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Gender Fluid etc, Opinions?

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At the centre of all this type of thing you will find that it is Zionists that are pushing this warped agenda on western societies to mess it all up. Just like same sex marriage and mass immigration. They're total hypocrites though because these things most certainly are NOT for Israel.

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Why should the majority of society to be forced to put up with a small number of new-age oddballs looking to explore themselves?


If you want to do it crack on, but don't force the rest of us to tolerate your behaviour.


Because there's a very small number of people who identify themselves differently to most people. They are not harming you and the chances of meeting one are slim in case you were worried about that.


These people are not harming you or threatening you. Live and let live. Worry about more important things.


---------- Post added 15-08-2017 at 19:09 ----------


At the centre of all this type of thing you will find that it is Zionists that are pushing this warped agenda on western societies to mess it all up. Just like same sex marriage and mass immigration. They're total hypocrites though because these things most certainly are NOT for Israel.


You sound crazy with that post.


---------- Post added 15-08-2017 at 19:10 ----------


I saw them and to be honest they did not look and sound normal,I felt sorry for the child.Before people jump on and ask what is norm a l I have my opinion on that.

Did they say what they did for a living to provide for the child,I didn't catch that bit.

That lad will suffer from mental illness.


Find out where they're from and report them to social services if you're that worried.

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A lot of gender stuff is social. Can't remember the exact ages but I think its 4 when children start conforming when play with toys but only infront of others.



I dont think that is the case.


But the study ties in with a previous experiment with green vervet monkeys showing that males favour masculine toys.


“Together the results are compelling,” says Gerianne Alexander, a psychologist at Texas A&M University in College Station, who led the vervet monkey study.


She thinks that biological differences between sexes start the ball rolling toward learned preferences for play toys.


“There is likely to be a biological tendency that is amplified by society,” she says.



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My two pennies’ worth:


Gender isn’t physical, and therefore cannot be measured. It is completely different to sex. It doesn’t exist other than in our minds. It’s a social construct which dictates how we should act, what we should wear, etc. based on whether we are a man or a woman. For example: men should be masculine and enjoy football, and, women should be feminine and enjoy shopping. To me, someone who is gender-fluid, is simply rejecting the social norms forced upon us based on our genitalia. For example: a man wearing makeup.


Again, as gender isn’t a physical being, it is entirely down to interpretation. One person’s ideas of gender will be much different to another person’s.

Most people say that the genders are: man, woman, and neither. I don’t agree. In my opinion, if a male feels like a woman, or a female feels like a man, they are a transsexual.

To me, the genders are: masculine, feminine, and fluid.


Long story short, in my own opinion…


Transgender: Someone who rejects the idea of having to be masculine if they are a man, or feminine if they are a woman.

Transsexual: A male who identifies as a woman, or a female who identifies as a man.


I think it's useful to separate sex from gender, although I believe that traditionally and technically they mean the same thing.


I like what you're saying here. Gender wise, we're all on a spectrum, so I guess if we use your definition, that makes almost everyone transgender. Maybe that's how it should be.


I've always felt I've got a fairly "male" personality in many ways (I'm a woman). I don't think that's unusual. Plenty of men aren't hyper masculine either.


However, I'm not sure why it's so important to reject the sex you are if you don't fit perfectly with the accepted "norms" of the gender stereotypes associated with that sex. Surely it's just taking yourself out of one box and putting yourself in another?


So yeah, maybe the answer is to move away from the notion of gender altogether?


---------- Post added 15-08-2017 at 19:38 ----------



For starters why do we need men's and ladies toilets? Why not just create a unisex toilet for all and get rid of open urinals? Also, what currently stops a man going into a ladies loo? Most aren't guarded and apart from perhaps someone challenging them it's simply social norms that are followed. If someone wanted to go into a ladies loo to perv then they will regardless of what gender they are using today. I think people find outlying cases to try to prove why a change is a problem. Exactly the same type of logic used to try to stop gay rights by claiming gay men were paedophiles...


I think under some circumstances separate spaces are less problematic. Unisex loos work in some places, but in others need a lot more planning (in schools for example). Mixed wards in hospitals have proved to pose serious risks to patient safetly and there's evidence to show a detrimental effect on patient wellbeing.


Having no sex segregation at all may end up causing more problems than it solves.

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I dont think that is the case.


But the study ties in with a previous experiment with green vervet monkeys showing that males favour masculine toys.


“Together the results are compelling,” says Gerianne Alexander, a psychologist at Texas A&M University in College Station, who led the vervet monkey study.


She thinks that biological differences between sexes start the ball rolling toward learned preferences for play toys.


“There is likely to be a biological tendency that is amplified by society,” she says.




Well that was based on a study too but I don't have the details of that right now to link to.


The study was mentioned in a book by Cordelia Fine called Delusions of Gender.


Goes into other areas like how you present something to person affects how they perform at said subject. For example take a Maths paper and include an intro to the test which describes the test as being designed to test your ability at something traditionally seen as masculine and men perform better at the test. Same test described opposite way (feminine) and women perform better.

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I don't really care to be honest. What other people do doesn't bother me as long as it doesn't harm anyone.


However I don't get it. Surely you are either male or female, it's science no? Unless you are a hermaphrodite?


Anyway, don't get it but don't care.

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I don't really care to be honest. What other people do doesn't bother me as long as it doesn't harm anyone.


However I don't get it. Surely you are either male or female, it's science no? Unless you are a hermaphrodite?


Anyway, don't get it but don't care.


There are conditions that mean people are of indeterminate sex, biologically and/or physically. Rare, but it happens that some people are a bit of both.

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I think it's useful to separate sex from gender, although I believe that traditionally and technically they mean the same thing.


I like what you're saying here. Gender wise, we're all on a spectrum, so I guess if we use your definition, that makes almost everyone transgender. Maybe that's how it should be.


I've always felt I've got a fairly "male" personality in many ways (I'm a woman). I don't think that's unusual. Plenty of men aren't hyper masculine either.


However, I'm not sure why it's so important to reject the sex you are if you don't fit perfectly with the accepted "norms" of the gender stereotypes associated with that sex. Surely it's just taking yourself out of one box and putting yourself in another?


So yeah, maybe the answer is to move away from the notion of gender altogether?


---------- Post added 15-08-2017 at 19:38 ----------



I think under some circumstances separate spaces are less problematic. Unisex loos work in some places, but in others need a lot more planning (in schools for example). Mixed wards in hospitals have proved to pose serious risks to patient safetly and there's evidence to show a detrimental effect on patient wellbeing.


Having no sex segregation at all may end up causing more problems than it solves.


Fair enough and a valid point. Perhaps we can create rules around sex and gender specifically. Could be as simple as:


- There are SEX segregated areas that have been deemed required for provable reasons (like your point about mixed sex wards for example). You may ONLY use the facilities for your sex. This would allow people who are pre or post-op transsexual to use the facilities of their chosen sex.

- There are GENDER segregated areas where people use the facilities as their chosen gender without needing to biologically conform to the same sex type.


I'm not saying everything should be a free for all, but I do get a bit upset when people are trying to make out that all gender fluid people are doing it because they have a mental illness or that they are trying to exploit something.

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Like I said they're free to crack on, but why should the rest of society be forced to accept their behaviour?

By "accept" you mean not do anything to stop them. Because that's called basic tolerance of people who are different to you.

If you do something to not accept them, then you're the problem, not them.


Is it now acceptable that a man can wonder into the womans toilets because he's decided he's going to be a woman today?

Would it be acceptable for male security men to pat down females if they told them they were actually a woman today?

This is a typical scaremongering comment.

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