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Gender Fluid etc, Opinions?

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I find it nearly incomprehensible that someone could NOT be a feminist.


I don't see how feminism can be for people who are gender fluid as, what if someone doesn't identify as female or are non-binary. Feminism is for female equality... what about the other supposed genders?

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Where will this end?

Gender fluid, age fluid, race fluid....

I think I feel like species fluid is a great way forward...so I am now a farmyard rooster until further notice.

If anyone wants me I'll be stood on the fence waking the neighbours at 7am tomorrow morning.


Age fluid has been around for years. Mainly by women!

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I don't see how feminism can be for people who are gender fluid as, what if someone doesn't identify as female or are non-binary. Feminism is for female equality... what about the other supposed genders?


It's not about being the gender it's about empathy

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Apparently feminism is also supportive of equal rights for men...


So what they want is fairness and equality for all... we have a word for this - egalitarian.


Fair enough, I am a feminist yet actively campaign for and support men's rights as equal to women's, not above or below them. The reasons why I think it's as important to support men's rights is because of things like suicide being the largest killer of men under 40. So something is clearly wrong with large numbers of men to the extent that they feel they have no alternative but to kill themselves. Things like the macho culture around men never being allowed to show their feelings, bullying masquerading as 'banter', an expectation that the man should be the 'provider' for the family etc. All of these things are clearly having a negative impact on young men. All of these issues can be and should be addressed by starting to remove the ridiculous gender boundaries and stereotypes we've created.


Can someone give a good, genuine example of why you'd need to know someone's sex or gender (for now let's pretend they are the same thing for ease of discussion)?

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Fair enough, I am a feminist yet actively campaign for and support men's rights as equal to women's, not above or below them. The reasons why I think it's as important to support men's rights is because of things like suicide being the largest killer of men under 40. So something is clearly wrong with large numbers of men to the extent that they feel they have no alternative but to kill themselves. Things like the macho culture around men never being allowed to show their feelings, bullying masquerading as 'banter', an expectation that the man should be the 'provider' for the family etc. All of these things are clearly having a negative impact on young men. All of these issues can be and should be addressed by starting to remove the ridiculous gender boundaries and stereotypes we've created.


Can someone give a good, genuine example of why you'd need to know someone's sex or gender (for now let's pretend they are the same thing for ease of discussion)?


For me, it would only be important if sharing communal changing and showering facilities as you do in some spas, gyms and similar establishments as many don't offer private showering and changing cubicles, just male and female. That's another reason I don't feel you can separate the classification of gender and sex of a person.

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Fair enough, I am a feminist yet actively campaign for and support men's rights as equal to women's, not above or below them. The reasons why I think it's as important to support men's rights is because of things like suicide being the largest killer of men under 40. So something is clearly wrong with large numbers of men to the extent that they feel they have no alternative but to kill themselves. Things like the macho culture around men never being allowed to show their feelings, bullying masquerading as 'banter', an expectation that the man should be the 'provider' for the family etc. All of these things are clearly having a negative impact on young men. All of these issues can be and should be addressed by starting to remove the ridiculous gender boundaries and stereotypes we've created.


Can someone give a good, genuine example of why you'd need to know someone's sex or gender (for now let's pretend they are the same thing for ease of discussion)?


So if there is inequality on both sides in various ways, doesn't that show up the term 'feminist' to be pointless or biased?


And how do you feel, being a feminist, being part of a group that persecuted a mother who innocently asked for sandwich filling ideas so she could prepare her husband's pack up for work? She received abuse from feminists, basically saying her husband should make his own lunch and it's not a woman's job to do this... patriarchy etc. The husband has a full time job and regularly cooks meals, but they seemed to ignore this part.


Another obscure side to this is that many 'famous' modern day feminists are of the opinion that men should not be allowed an opinion, or at least to air that opinion, regarding the rights/struggles of women. However, they then proceed to talk about this 'toxic masculinity' that's affecting young boys which affects them when they're growing up. I think, like most things, only the negative cases are thrown in to the spotlight. The majority of men are respectful to their fellow humans, it's just a few spoil the image and this is what's highlighted. I've never been told i can't show emotion, but when you get parts of the feminist community talking about bathing in male tears when men try to talk about the issues they face or 'mamsplaining' on topics, is it any wonder that men feel a tad oppressed in the modern day?

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Another obscure side to this is that many 'famous' modern day feminists are of the opinion that men should not be allowed an opinion, or at least to air that opinion, regarding the rights/struggles of women.


Can you provide any evidence for this assertion?

If so, please share it - if you don't I may be forced to conclude that it isn't the case.


However, they then proceed to talk about this 'toxic masculinity' that's affecting young boys which affects them when they're growing up. I think, like most things, only the negative cases are thrown in to the spotlight. The majority of men are respectful to their fellow humans, it's just a few spoil the image and this is what's highlighted. I've never been told i can't show emotion, but when you get parts of the feminist community talking about bathing in male tears when men try to talk about the issues they face or 'mamsplaining' on topics, is it any wonder that men feel a tad oppressed in the modern day?


I don't feel oppressed at all, do you?


I find it rather hard to take claims that men are oppressed seriously.

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For me, it would only be important if sharing communal changing and showering facilities as you do in some spas, gyms and similar establishments as many don't offer private showering and changing cubicles, just male and female. That's another reason I don't feel you can separate the classification of gender and sex of a person.


I'm honestly not trying to pick a fight, but why would you not want to share changing rooms with men, but I presume would be ok to share with a lesbian?


People use examples like giving a description of an offender as being male, but that in itself has certain assumptions that might hinder looking for them. What if the person looked male but was actually a women? Would the police instantly ignore them if they were given that description?


People always seem to come up with reasons as to why gender/sex is a useful separator when actually it's not.


---------- Post added 13-10-2017 at 17:05 ----------


I don't feel oppressed at all, do you?


I find it rather hard to take claims that men are oppressed seriously.


Of course men are oppressed in a way halibut, but hopefully if more people feel like MidgetSaw and are able to openly show their feelings without fear of being teased about it, then that's one less area. It shouldn't be a fight to the bottom for heaven's sake! Women perhaps suffer more oppression than men, definitely on a global scale, but that doesn't mean that we should ignore clear and obvious issues that affect men more than women.

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There might be some general societal oppression of men, but not what MidgetSaw implies and to a far lesser extent than society oppresses women.


---------- Post added 13-10-2017 at 20:24 ----------


Apparently feminism is also supportive of equal rights for men...


So what they want is fairness and equality for all... we have a word for this - egalitarian.


As it stands men are more free than women though, so there is still a reason for feminism to exist.

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