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Sarah Champion MP to leave Shadow Cabinet

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which unfortunately doesn't really answer the question of why Tory-led Oxfordshire county council did absolutely nothing to protect vulnerable girls in their care does it ?


No, of course it doesn't,nor would I attempt to defend them. Two wrongs don't make a right.


This thread however is about the Labour leadership attempting to stifle debate about the issue. As far as I am aware the Conservatives have not done the same (yet?).

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It seems Sarah's been speaking up for herself.


In an interview with The Times, Ms Champion said the reaction was largely provoked by a fear of being tagged racist.


"If I'm on the floppy left, to be accused of racism is probably the worst thing you can call me," she said.


"That fear will motivate me to step away from a lot of topics I'd maybe tackle head on if I didn't have that phobia."


Ms Champion added many London-based Labour members and politicians lived in a largely "tolerant, multicultural world", and had "never been challenged by a reality that's different".


"London is not representative of the UK and it's definitely not representative of the North of England in relation to race," she added.


"Rotherham and many post-industrial towns are still segregated."Factually, however, she has insisted she was correct and said her position was "not an opinion, although people would like it to be".


She added: "It's based on the facts of this very specific form of grooming of girls by gangs of men.


"It's a very consistent model of recruitment, manipulation and exploitation, and when you look at the figures of the people who've been arrested and convicted, the vast, vast majority are British-Pakistani men."


In contrast to the reaction within her own party following her Sun article, Ms Champion says her email inbox "went nuts with overwhelmingly positive messages".


"Police, social workers, children's charities, health professionals were getting in touch and saying, 'Thank God you've said it; now maybe we can actually start dealing with this'.


"The relief they were expressing was extraordinary," she said.



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The line "London is not representative of the UK and definately not representative of the North of England....." needs branding with a red hot iron on every MPs arse regardless of the party they align themselves to. You could tag a hundred issues on the end of that sentence.


Now there's a thing, can't get that image out of my head

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