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Cycling - Stabilisers for adult bike

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I am trying to get my wife into cycling, a very difficult task !!

I'm thinking of buying some adult stabilisers to encourage her, obviously from me saying that, her balance isn't very good.

Anyone bought any, there are plenty on the web for sale.

Did you purchase from a Sheffield outlet. ?

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her balance is fine.


if she can walk she can ride. she just needs a morning of encouragement. get to the park and walk behind her holding the seat until she can self support


Good morning and thanks for your reply.

She can ride but the wobbles she experiences leads her at times to fall off.

She has had plenty of encouragement, I am a keen cyclist going back 50+ years.

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Would a trike be a suitable alternative if balance issues do prevent riding a 2-wheeler? There are some pretty decent, modern trikes around such as those from Mission


For example http://www.missioncycles.co.uk/mission-alloytribrid-p-40.html


A world apart from the old fashioned idea of a heavy, upright single speed tricycle


Hi and thanks, interesting site, but some of the prices WOW !

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  • 4 weeks later...

like runningman said - my folks used to run a big bike shop and had a very simple, cheap approach - take the pedals off an adult bike, find somewhere fairly flat and off you go. Balance is always easier with a bit of speed and that comes with practice / confidence


My kids learnt to ride without stabilisers just the same way, the transition to pedals is a mental one


Another alternative might be a Tandem? We have one and they are good fun, especially when you have 2 riders of different ability

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