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Brick or Air Gun / Gun attack on No.3 bus Montgomery Rd S7

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It made much more of a bang than a brick could have. Plus if it was a catapult theyd have had to be quick. There were two small holes a metre apart by whatever was fired at a fast moving bus ...


If you put two 1/4" solid steal ball bearings in a catapult, fling it at as much power as you can, it can cause that damage, and cause a loud BANG as they hit the window... they will usually split apart slightly during flight also, I notice how the 'holes' (what's left of them at least) are about the same size/height/position on the window (but opposite obviously) - this matches the 2 ball bearing scenario perfectly...

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This is was happens when you ignore anti-social behaviour for so long. It escalates.


They had the same issue in New York and Mayor Giuliani brought in zero tolerance policing and introduced the 'Broken windows theory'.


Its now one the greatest cities on earth.


You do know this has been widely debunked?


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Trust me they are powerful enough as some use small ball bearings ,quite a few cars got their windows put through on my road and in some they found the ball bearings


Air guns propel their pellet by air (no surprise there then) if you observe the ammunition (pellet) very closely you will find it has a flared "skirt" around its bottom. This skirt is the bit that the air hits when the trigger is pulled. the skirt forms a seal to contain the air, which in turn propels the pellet down the barrel. Imagine if you will no tight fitting skirt, the air would simply rush past the pellet leaving a tiny amount to eject the slug. Low power at best.


Last time I looked, there is no skirt on a steel ball bearing, this leads me to believe if the bolly did not roll out of the barrel, most of the air would rush past it leaving little to propel the bolly at any kind of force.


My best guess at the method of propulsion of a steel ball bearing would be a good heavy duty type of catapult. The kind we used to make from tractor inner-tubes, good strong thick rubber that took a lot of pulling back, but boy did they have some power.



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We should at least try it.


Because the liberal 'hug a hoodie' certainly not working.


Law abiding peoples lives will be alot better if you jail all the local trouble makers


Yet crime levels are the lowest they've ever been since we started recording them. All that has happened is that the media now just reports more crime than it used to so you get the perception there's more crime when there isn't.

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Guest busdriver1
Yet crime levels are the lowest they've ever been since we started recording them. All that has happened is that the media now just reports more crime than it used to so you get the perception there's more crime when there isn't.


Or is it that people just dont report crimes these days? There is a fair bit of that happening.

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Or is it that people just dont report crimes these days? There is a fair bit of that happening.


And alot of people report crimes purely for insurance reasons.


When my motorcycle got stolen i knew i was never gonna get it back. Not without it being a right off anyway.


But i needed a crime number so had to report it.

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