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Microwave cookery


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As found online on the Daily Mail website:

Probably a good idea to read a recipe before slavishly following what it says



You can even poach an egg in the microwave.


Crack one in a microwave-safe container with 3tbsp of water and cook on high for 45 seconds after gently piercing the yolk with a fork so it doesn't explode.


Turn the dish and cook for another 45 seconds.


For scrambled eggs, you can grease a mug with oil, add eggs and a splash of milk before beating them together until blended.


Then microwave on high for 45 seconds, before stirring and microwaving again for another 45 minutes.


You can even make a fried egg. Just pre-heat a plate in the microwave, before cracking an egg onto it, piercing the yolk with a fork.


Then heat for 45 seconds on high.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-4811916/The-foods-NEVER-knew-cook-microwave.html#ixzz4qTsN5gQ2

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