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Car insurance renewals

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Has car insurance gone up recently or something?

Im due for renewal and to say im surprised at the quotes is an understatement

The lowest quote is almost double last year and nothing has changed apart from ive earned an extra years NCD

Anyone else having this problem?

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Mine was up significantly, until I shopped around and then phoned the original one.

I've seen reports about large increases in the press, so yes, I think it's generally up.


I always shop around too. Ive never renewed with the same company two years running as Ive always found renewing more than going with someone else.

This years shopping around caused me a surprise so Ill be shopping around some more then seeing what my current insurer offers by way of a renewal quote. Then Ill just have to see If they can reduce it.

I hate the fact they have us by the proverbial then just jack up the prices as and when they choose.

Ah well, that the price of car ownership I suppose.

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