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Car insurance renewals

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I moved to a better location and I'm parking off the road...increase of £30 for the year!


Because the quote isn't based on your perception of location or parking position, it's based on hard facts and statistical analysis of that postcode and your demographic - likely claims cost that particular insurer more in that specific area or demographic.

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Received my car insurance renewal yesterday and to my horror it was nearly double last years. I rang them to ask why and they asked me if there had been any changes in past year. No, no changes whatsoever to which she replied "there has probably been a lot of car accidents/claims with a car same as yours"(Hyundai i10).


Was she serious? Am I missing something completely. Why should the type of car have anything to do with MY insurance

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Received my car insurance renewal yesterday and to my horror it was nearly double last years. I rang them to ask why and they asked me if there had been any changes in past year. No, no changes whatsoever to which she replied "there has probably been a lot of car accidents/claims with a car same as yours"(Hyundai i10).


Was she serious? Am I missing something completely. Why should the type of car have anything to do with MY insurance


What your insurer is doing is pumping you for cash. Unless there's information I'm missung you'll get it cheaper elsewhere.

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Received my car insurance renewal yesterday and to my horror it was nearly double last years. I rang them to ask why and they asked me if there had been any changes in past year. No, no changes whatsoever to which she replied "there has probably been a lot of car accidents/claims with a car same as yours"(Hyundai i10).


Was she serious? Am I missing something completely. Why should the type of car have anything to do with MY insurance


Probably. They are a law unto themselves (if that is right phrase)


There's something odd about how they are allowed to seemingly govern themselves.


- more info though for you to try...


My cheapest quote the other day for my new different car, was £300 ish. I decided to try Tesco first as that was my last 'normal car' insurance and thought the transfer of my 9 years NCB would be easier if I used them. The guy on the phone said to go to their site for best quote. I did, it was £950! :hihi:


The funny thing is though, when I got my quotes of moneysupermarket, and took the cheapest one, Tesco was in the list at £650! 300 cheaper than on their own site with identical details.


Try that site, I've used it a few times. Don't use the ones that use lots of TV ads, as they are more. I tried.

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Has car insurance gone up recently or something?

Im due for renewal and to say im surprised at the quotes is an understatement

The lowest quote is almost double last year and nothing has changed apart from ive earned an extra years NCD

Anyone else having this problem?


It could simply be that there have been more than the average number of claims in your neighbourhood. The premiums are calculated on risk. Risk is calculated on hard data. If three or four of your neighbours have claimed, your premium could easily go up.


Mind you, that’s one hefty premium. Do you live in Barnsley?

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