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Food production ect under pressure

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How sad poor bosses are in tears losing their European workers. :hihi: Well they have been paying nowt wages for long enough, now they will have pay proper wages Oh dear! Food production how ironic some fat cats are going to have to go on a diet. I just love it. :hihi:

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Either the price of food will have to increase dramatically or ASDA etc will just buy veg from Africa rather than Lincolnshire. Result, the UK is food dependent on foriegn countries and the whims of supermarket buying power. Cheers Brexit.

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So the answer is make people work for crap wages :suspect: I dont mind paying more for my grub. Some people are selfish :rant:

I think it's more a case that those on limited budgets don't have a choice. It's not selfish to consider the affects of things on others even if they don't impact you significantly.


You do realise it's the fall in the £ that's causing the workers to leave. If the bosses start paying higher wages they'll be back again soon enough - and the government will roll out the welcome mat for them,

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You do realise that paying more for stuff is the equivalent of earning less money right?


It's the same when the minimum wage goes up, everything goes up in price but the minions are happy with their 40p an hour rise...


---------- Post added 24-08-2017 at 19:59 ----------


I think it's more a case that those on limited budgets don't have a choice. It's not selfish to consider the affects of things on others even if they don't impact you significantly.


You do realise it's the fall in the £ that's causing the workers to leave. If the bosses start paying higher wages they'll be back again soon enough - and the government will roll out the welcome mat for them,


The ones who gave gone were only here for the money, we need people willing to come here to settle regardless of how much sterling is worth and not up sticks and leave at the first sign that they are going to have a bit less money.

My parents came here 46 years ago and have stayed though the good and bad times.

Good riddance this country doesn't need those kind of people anyway...

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the rich will always get richer at the poors expense, its always happened, it always will. we can argue between each other, pretend were making things better with things like brexit, arguing the toss with each other and hating each other over things like race, religion, creed and country. but at the end of the day the rich like that, it keeps us away from the real issue...class war.

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