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Food production ect under pressure

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Either the price of food will have to increase dramatically or ASDA etc will just buy veg from Africa rather than Lincolnshire. Result, the UK is food dependent on foriegn countries and the whims of supermarket buying power. Cheers Brexit.


Plenty of unemployed available to work plus we have enough prisoners incarcerated to run numerous prison farms instead of sorting hangers out for Marks and Sparks or packing humbroll air fix models or wiring up electrical fittings for electrical parts firms whilst serving their sentences.

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The ones who gave gone were only here for the money, we need people willing to come here to settle regardless of how much sterling is worth and not up sticks and leave at the first sign that they are going to have a bit less money.

My parents came here 46 years ago and have stayed though the good and bad times.

Good riddance this country doesn't need those kind of people anyway...

They're seasonal agricultural workers - they don't have anything to do for much of the year. I thought you brexiters didn't want them to settle - ending up claiming dole for the rest of the year.

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Good riddance this country doesn't need those kind of people anyway...


But . . . but . . . but . . . who will the greedy landlords in Page Hal rent out overpriced homes to, when all the Roma gypsies leave the country ?

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Except they will pass the increased costs onto the consumer; can't have them losing their profits can we? How will the CEO be able to collect his millions?


Well, errrm, no of course not Anna.


Profits are the purpose of enterprise. Profits keep staff employed and wages in their bank accounts. Profits are what keep stakeholders investing to keep the cash flowing. Profits are what keep share prices high and help those of us with pensions, investments and stocks to keep our own personal finances buoyant.

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Well, errrm, no of course not Anna.


Profits are the purpose of enterprise. Profits keep staff employed and wages in their bank accounts. Profits are what keep stakeholders investing to keep the cash flowing. Profits are what keep share prices high and help those of us with pensions, investments and stocks to keep our own personal finances buoyant.

Of course profits keep staff and paying wages into bank accounts, this happens by paying Staff low wages in the first place. God forbid your personal finances, pension, investmants and stock shares would be affected. Selfish Capitalist.
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Except they will pass the increased costs onto the consumer; can't have them losing their profits can we? How will the CEO be able to collect his millions?


LOL. Ask the farmers about their millions in profit for supplying supermarkets and they may burst your bubble...

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LOL. Ask the farmers about their millions in profit for supplying supermarkets and they may burst your bubble...


yeah, I've known a couple of kids of farmers when at University. One admitted that they had money, the other, who lived in some of the most expensive uni halls at the time with on site parking for his 2 seater sports car for the full 4 years he was at uni, complained constantly about how 'not all us farmers are loaded'. He was reminded that his parents had just built an indoor heated swimming pool on the side of their house. To be fair he did point out it wasn't a full size pool, whatever the hell that means.


I always take the whole destitute farmers thing with a pinch of salt, some might be struggling but then they just might have a distorted view of what really struggling is.

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They're seasonal agricultural workers - they don't have anything to do for much of the year. I thought you brexiters didn't want them to settle - ending up claiming dole for the rest of the year.


My bold=

Not all brexiters think like this......

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Of course profits keep staff and paying wages into bank accounts, this happens by paying Staff low wages in the first place. God forbid your personal finances, pension, investmants and stock shares would be affected. Selfish Capitalist.


Really? Is that the best you can do.


Good job I am. If we all took the attitude of expecting the state to pick up the tab for all and everything we would really be in a sorry state.

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Really? Is that the best you can do.


Good job I am. If we all took the attitude of expecting the state to pick up the tab for all and everything we would really be in a sorry state.


The state pays for nothing. It comes out of our taxes.


Everyone should pay their taxes. Most normal people do.


The problem is the fat cat chancers who have more money than they know what to do with, but still want even more. And will go to ridiculous and dubious lengths to avoid paying it.

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