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Death by dangerous cycling

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18 months in the slammer . what a pathetic sentence . If it was a motorist it would have been at least double that . Yet again , one rule for drivers, another for cyclists.


Why? Because you say so? Get real and prove it, or stop making absurd claims.


According to these statistics http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9636991/Third-of-drivers-who-kill-and-maim-avoid-jail.html a third of drivers don't go to gaol and about two fifths get less than two years.


I think it's fair to say you're comprehensively wrong. Again.

Edited by Halibut
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18 months in the slammer . what a pathetic sentence . If it was a motorist it would have been at least double that . Yet again , one rule for drivers, another for cyclists.


If it was a motorist it would have been half that or they'd have been let off. (I also have done no research to back up my claim)

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I had a bump over the weekend caused by a cyclist who then rode off into the sunset. It caused a fair bit of damage and to save my NCD ill be footing the bill.

Does this mean every cyclist on the road is going to do the same?


Does this mean I will stop driving in my usual manner?


Its life. Stuff happens. Yes there are way too many cyclists who flaunt the law and ride like morons but on my daily drive its not cyclists who drive so close to my bumper i can almost see the hairs up their nose.

Its not cyclists who generally pull out at junctions forcing people to stop abruptly.

Its also not cyclists aggressively force themselves into your lane then question your sexuality and parentage when you dare to complain about their dangerous actions. Well apart from Saturday :hihi:

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I had a bump over the weekend caused by a cyclist who then rode off into the sunset. It caused a fair bit of damage and to save my NCD ill be footing the bill.

Does this mean every cyclist on the road is going to do the same?


Does this mean I will stop driving in my usual manner?


Its life. Stuff happens. Yes there are way too many cyclists who flaunt the law and ride like morons but on my daily drive its not cyclists who drive so close to my bumper i can almost see the hairs up their nose.

Its not cyclists who generally pull out at junctions forcing people to stop abruptly.

Its also not cyclists aggressively force themselves into your lane then question your sexuality and parentage when you dare to complain about their dangerous actions. Well apart from Saturday :hihi:


Thanks for this. Its makes a big difference when a motorist states what is bleeding obviously the case. There are morons on bikes, there are morons in cars. A moron in a car doesn't mean all motorists are morons and the same is true for cyclists .

Edited by TimmyR
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you are so wrong.

did you realise that ten people per day die from dangerous driving.


3500 per yr.


so far this yr there have been two by bike.


Correction on your data - a bit out-of-date.

3500 per year was the case in 2004.

The last reported full-year KSI figures had 1732 deaths in 2015.

(Mystifyingly, 2016 figures won't be published until next week (?), I'm told).

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18 months in the slammer . what a pathetic sentence . If it was a motorist it would have been at least double that . Yet again , one rule for drivers, another for cyclists.


We all know, even you know, that we could post numerous examples of motorists who kill getting treated very leniently by the law. I can think of half a dozen well know cases in this city alone. There is a thread over on the Sheffield page if you want to check


So here is just one article. I cannot be bothered to waste time posting even more.



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