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Death by dangerous cycling

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You don't like the outcome of a case based on a newspaper report?


You are critical of the judging (I assume you mean a jury) in a case in which you did not see any witness give evidence, you heard none of the evidence and did not listen to the summing up or competing arguments from the respective parties.


Sounds like a rant to me.


You would be better off getting your opinions from "evidence" not from the reports in a paper - and you use the phrase hundreds again -

Last time I looked there were insufficient seats in a court for hundreds of people.


If you are ever selected for jury service and you are on a panel involving a driving case are you going to let everyone know how partial you are - or just sit there ignore the evidence and convict the car driver ?


You seem to be unable to read properly. I've had that feeling over several of your replies to my posts, but, from what you say above it's clear you're not actually reading what I'm posting.


I said-


(I even put a link to those hundreds of reports.)


What's that got to do with seats in a court?!


It's ironic that you're accusing me of ranting, when it's clear from your rushed responses to my (and others) posts, that you're the one getting overly emotional.

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You seem to be unable to read properly. I've had that feeling over several of your replies to my posts, but, from what you say above it's clear you're not actually reading what I'm posting.


I said-


(I even put a link to those hundreds of reports.)


What's that got to do with seats in a court?!


It's ironic that you're accusing me of ranting, when it's clear from your rushed responses to my (and others) posts, that you're the one getting overly emotional.



Resorting to sly digs now :)


If you don't have the intelligence to work out that the fact numerous news outlets have reported on a case does not mean there were a similar number of reporters in court to listen to the evidence - they pool and simply copy the report from whoever was in court -


The chip on that shoulder of yours must weigh heavily.


You know zero about the case you highlight save what someone wrote in a paper - nothing - yet feel able to spout and opine on the basis of that report.

Fill your boots - you are entitled to your view - even if it is incapable of standing any sort of analysis.

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It's almost always stupidity in action.


Special government action to be taken to try to prevent 1 death a year. 1730 deaths caused by motorists (409 pedestrian victims) to have no special action taken. Clearly it's stupid to devote time and effort to stopping 1 death, whilst ignoring a problem 170000% larger.

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has anyone looked back through the last 20 years (say) of incidents involving a cyclist and the death of a pedestrian then considered how many would actually have resulted in a charge of causing death by dangerous cycling (if such a charge had existed )


Now If we look at how the CPS deals with drivers whose driving standards are so low as to result in a fatality would said cyclists actually end up facing a lesser charge of causing death by careless or inconsiderate cycling in order to achieve a prosecution? This seems to be the route that they go down with motorists


I'm just trying to see how the current offences for drivers (inadequate as they are) could map onto cyclists

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  • 3 years later...

Welcome to the forum ArriusLion22


Cyclists must not…

Ride under the influence of drink, drugs, including medicine Road Traffic Act 1988
Ride in a dangerous, careless or inconsiderate manner Road Traffic Act 1988
Carry a passenger unless the cycle has been built or adapted to carry one Road Traffic Act 1988
Hold on to a moving vehicle or trailer Road Traffic Act 1988
Cycle on a pavement Highways Act 1835 section 72 as amended by section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1888
Cross the stop line when the traffic lights are red Road Traffic Act 1988 section 36 & Traffic Signs Regulations and Directions 2002
Ride across a cycle-only signal crossing until the green cycle symbol is showing Traffic Signs Regulations and Directions 2002
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