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I wonder if the members could help me with a family history item.


I have a bread-knife, on which is inscribed 'Loyal Service Bread Knife', 'Made in Sheffield' and 'by genuine Ex-Service Men'. There is then a logo, bearing the above details surrounding two crossed Union Jacks.


Does anyone, please, know exactly what the initials relate to (I can work out the 'E.S.M.' bit, I think!) and how my mother-in-law might have acquired the knife. E.g., would she or an ancestor have bought it, or would it have been presented as part of a set given to war veterans. And which war, for that matter?


Any info would be much appreciated.


Paul Goold

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  • 4 years later...

I'm afraid I can't help, except we also have one of these knives in the family, with the difference that it is a 'utility' rather than 'bread' knife. This is the only site that came up searching the internet. The inscription is very clear on ours, the SJCESM Association.


It would be good if anyone has information on these knives.


David Day

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