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On the rise of fascism.

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Reading the wiki about fascism I think the Nazis fit right in...


There is no question that The Nazis were fascists, but my point is that they are different concepts: not all national socialists are fascists and not all fascists are national socialists.

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They're not saying they are doing. Winning elections and referendums the media would have us believe are in the bag. I'm sure it hurts you deep Halibut that Mr Trump won? I can only but laugh imagining how you felt the morning you woke upto it.


I wont comment on the rest though, I'll only get warned, banned etc...


I felt sick and profoundly saddened.


How did you feel when you saw Neo-nazis marching in Charlottesville? Get a hard on?

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I felt sick and profoundly saddened.


How did you feel when you saw Neo-nazis marching in Charlottesville? Get a hard on?


Are you aware that the Antifa group that were at Charlottseville are only sustained by money from George Soros, a man who freely admits he actively worked for the Nazi's in WW2 and isn't even sorry about it?

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I felt sick and profoundly saddened.


How did you feel when you saw Neo-nazis marching in Charlottesville? Get a hard on?


Did I see Neo Nazis marching in charlottesville? Did you? did anyone here?


Lets assuming a few idiots turned up with flags and got on the bandwagon of people protesting to protect a statue which is part of their heritage, then they are idiots, thickos.


Do you get a "hard on" (to quote you) every time you see a riot by black lives matter? Or whatabout a load of lefties jumping all over the world after the outcome of democratic elections that took place and didnt favour them? I bet you went down to town to protest about an election 4000miles away to make you feel somehow credible to a load of others that share the same views.


In any event this can go back and forth, to answer the topic the main thing is to define fascism first. I mean there's jingoism aswell, all sorts of isms.

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Did I see Neo Nazis marching in charlottesville? Did you? did anyone here?



I know I did.


---------- Post added 29-08-2017 at 17:13 ----------


Are you aware that the Antifa group that were at Charlottseville are only sustained by money from George Soros, a man who freely admits he actively worked for the Nazi's in WW2 and isn't even sorry about it?


Not true. The majority were local residents, and besides, why are you busy trying to smear the antifa?


Let me guess, you admire what the neonazis and white supremacists freaks are up to.

Edited by Halibut
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Is it always a bad thing? Or are there circumstances where it is justified?

Or should we be constantly vigilant to recognise it and oppose it wherever it manifests?


There are no circumstances where oppression of others is justified. As simple as that. For example - I love China and have many Chinese friends, I will happily knock their teeth out when they claim Uygurs should be oppressed because they are muslim and not 'real Chinese'. (well, I didn't knock teeth out, but we did have an interesting dialogue about the Nanjing Massacre, committed by Japanese who believed exactly that of the Han).

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If you cant see the antifa are the same bunch of dead heads up for a punch up as the neo nazis then you need your head read. A reactionary bunch of thugs preaching left wing politics with enough double standards to write a book.


I love how you know you did and then the rest were local residents, like as if you were actually there or live there.


In the US and the UK people are supposed to be entightled to free speech, but if anyone dares speak out against (insert topic here) then they are racists, fascists etc. Im not even going to mention such topics or il get booted off, but i see you're "up the roma". Nice one. But I bet you don't live in Page hall?

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There is a large section of society that merely want western Europe and the United States to retain its Christian heritage and values and to remain majority white. And there is nothing wrong with that. You'd expect Japanese people to want Japan to remain Japanese, Africa to be majority black, and so on. Jews CERTAINLY want Israel to be predominantly Jewish. No one bats an eye lid at this, but when whites state they want Europe to be predominantly white Christian, ooo that's fascist and nasty, a big no no.

not true


A:- why do christian and white have to be mutally exclusive? isnt there a large black christian fellowship? and theres also asian christians as you well know.


B:- most right minded people dont walk about thinking thats 1 more black person entered the country i better do a complicated sum to see if the white / black ratio balance has been upset yet, instead they get on with their lives, people of all colours / religions etc just get on with things, its only certain people of a certain persuasion that have a very big issue with it.


C:- the reason why christianity is losing ground in the UK especially is we are losing an interest in religion full stop, its not down to foreigners coming over here and fouling up our religion. we are starting to see that its codswollop created by those in charge to keep us in line.


talking of religion, just stumbled up on this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-devon-40948532/paganism-is-second-most-popular-faith-in-south-west-england


officially paganism is the 4th largest religion in the south west but the paganists reckon theres far more so it could be the second largest

Edited by melthebell
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