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The state wants both parents working, I don't think the state should be interfering in such a way.


Mothers should not be pressured to work. Left wing feminism has turned the concept of a woman choosing to start a family and then naturally stay at home and be a full time mother into a bad thing.


So much aggravation is caused within families by this illusory pressure for women to have a career even though they have children; they try to juggle both only to find that invariably you can't have both without copping out in some way such as off-loading on to a nanny or a grandparent.


Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to stand in the way of women wanting to work and have a career, but if a woman chooses to start a family then the sacrifice for that should be to put her career/working life on hold and be a full time mother for the sake of the children who need a full time mother. A good man/father should provide her and reward her with safety and security for that sacrifice.


I know that this will trigger the "progressives" and feminists but nothing I have said is controversial within certain minority communities such as Travellers and Pakistanis. This is their philosophy, and it should be ours again. as it once was before all the "progressive" poison came in. It will go a long way to repairing our damaged society.

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Perhaps fathers should stay at home and look after the children, ever considered that?


You obviously know that your opinion is misogynistic and outdated, so you had to add a rider at the bottom to try to justify it.


I expected this type of response.


I'm not saying that WOMEN shouldn't work, I'm saying that MOTHERS shouldn't be expected, or pressured to work. If they truly want to, great, and the father wants to be the stay at home parent, great.


Its just about time this EXPECTATION of mothers to go out to work was stopped.


I think that the erosion of the traditional nuclear family has contributed to increased family/social dysfunction.


btw you think that minority community family values are outdated and misogynistic huh? duly noted.

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You expected it because you know what you were saying was wrong.


I think that your views are outdated and misogynistic, attempting to attribute your opinions to minority groups in order to avoid being criticised for them is a poor tactic, but is duly noted.


You've contradicted yourself by the way


if a woman chooses to start a family then the sacrifice for that should be to put her career/working life on hold and be a full time mother for the sake of the children who need a full time mother.

I'm not saying that WOMEN shouldn't work, I'm saying that MOTHERS shouldn't be expected, or pressured to work.

You are saying that mothers should stay at home and be 'full time mothers'. So you are indeed saying that they shouldn't work. You aren't saying that about fathers though apparently, I guess you don't think that children need a "full time father".

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You expected it because you know what you were saying was wrong.


I think that your views are outdated and misogynistic, attempting to attribute your opinions to minority groups in order to avoid being criticised for them is a poor tactic, but is duly noted.


You've contradicted yourself by the way




You are saying that mothers should stay at home and be 'full time mothers'. So you are indeed saying that they shouldn't work. You aren't saying that about fathers though apparently, I guess you don't think that children need a "full time father".




Instinctively most people know that the mother is the primary parent; the child grows inside her for heavens sake.


The ideal family set up is the mother is the home maker while the father works and provides for the family. Its just poisonous left wing feminism to suggest that there is something wrong with this.

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That's your inate prejudice showing through, not instinct.


To go off topic slightly, we're actually getting to a point now where in institutions and on tv and son, the assumption of a "mum and dad" is a bigoted assumption. If a police officer or a teacher for instance dealing with a child were to inquire about their "mum and dad", it would probably be frowned upon by powers that be.

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You are saying that mothers should stay at home and be 'full time mothers'. So you are indeed saying that they shouldn't work. You aren't saying that about fathers though apparently, I guess you don't think that children need a "full time father".


Males and females are different, have different qualities; or do you think women are too intelligent to be the caregiver?

Bring up a family is a very complex thing, the Government do NOT have the interests of the child or the mother when they give free child car.



I think that the idea behind the free childcare is to enable a 2nd parent to return to work


I notice you didnt say, 'it is because children thrive in nurseries' or 'because women are more fulfilled'.


You were right, its because it will make the UKs GDP growth figures look good, and then everyone will vote Tory again.

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