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How much tax gets returned?

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Males and females are different, have different qualities; or do you think women are too intelligent to be the caregiver?

Bring up a family is a very complex thing, the Government do NOT have the interests of the child or the mother when they give free child car.




I notice you didnt say, 'it is because children thrive in nurseries' or 'because women are more fulfilled'.


You were right, its because it will make the UKs GDP growth figures look good, and then everyone will vote Tory again.


My bold. You contradict yourself, is it a complex thing looking after children or not?


Are men too intelligent to look after children?


I think it is good for children if one parent can be at home, at least most of the time. Note I wrote PARENT, not mother or father but parent.


Would I have liked a career, yes. But it didn't pan out that way. If I had managed to get my dream job before having children then there is a good chance I would still be doing it now, but on a part-time basis.


Have you considered that, like men, women can feel fulfilled at work? It not always about the money. Going to work give you a chance to speak to adults, do things away from your children.


Having a break from your children to doing something that makes you feel like an adult again can make you a better parent. Change is as good as a rest. I think as a full-time mum it is a very hard job and there are times when I think my husband is lucky going to work.


If it makes the mother happier by working surely that is better for the child than having an unhappy mother?


I would agree, if you suggested it, that having two parents working full-time with long hours and/or long commutes who barely see their children is bad for their children. But I suspect most families don't fit into that bracket.

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I expected this type of response.


I'm not saying that WOMEN shouldn't work, I'm saying that MOTHERS shouldn't be expected, or pressured to work. If they truly want to, great, and the father wants to be the stay at home parent, great.


Its just about time this EXPECTATION of mothers to go out to work was stopped.


I think that the erosion of the traditional nuclear family has contributed to increased family/social dysfunction.


btw you think that minority community family values are outdated and misogynistic huh? duly noted.


I expected this type of response.


I'm not saying that MEN shouldn't work, I'm saying that FATHERs shouldn't be expected, or pressured to work. If they truly want to, great, and the mother wants to be the stay at home parent, great.


Its just about time this EXPECTATION of fathers to go out to work was stopped.


I think that the erosion of the traditional nuclear family has contributed to increased family/social dysfunction.

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