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Far-right Britain First fosters ties with Zionist movement

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while I am pleased to see that a non-Arab, in this case a Christian Armenian, has achieved a fairly prominent Palestinian Authority diplomatic position just like many Arabs have in Israeli politics, I would find it very difficult to believe zero.
All you do is spout nonsense...you really haven't a clue what you are talking of.. nevertheless.. if you want to support a fascist settler state that has uprooted Palestinians and continues to ...then good for you

. the Palestinian community as a whole and society has been decimated by foreign settlers no matter their religions ... And those that remained live under Isreali Apartheid laws ..just as your Isreali Arabs [48Palestinans] that the Zionist state didn't kill,expel or bribe were kept under military rule for 25 years. And still live as 3rd class Isreali passport holders.

Never forget most of those Palestinians that have been kicked out of Palestine and their descendents,

as refugees have a right of return to their country just as you have the right to return to yours back in the UK.

As it stands now in all historic Palestine where half the Palestinians live they outnumber the settlers..

Time to end the slow genocide and oppression and apartheid laws on the native Palestinians.. rather than supporting a growing fascistic jabotinskyist zionist state ..every day more and more [non zionist] Jews in Palestine are waking up to the fact that they live in fascistic isreali Aparthied state.. this should give us all hope for the future

Edited by WestTinsley
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Are you claiming that the figures showing large rises in hare crime directed at Muslims, Jews, and others are false?


Or are you saying you don't think they're perpetrated by people with ring wing sympathies?


Are all these hate crimes perpetrated by white British nationals ('your' preferred brand of 'right wing extremists') ?

In my opinion there seems to be quite a bit of discontent amongst EU nationals and Asians in some inner city areas, evidence not too far away.

Do you choose to only see right wing extremists, have you noticed the anti-semetic left or do you actually recognise that not everything is rosy in the 'multi-culti' garden ?

What scale from 1 to 10 in 'hate crime' terms do you give to those who blow kids up at a pop concert ?

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All you do is spout nonsense...you really haven't a clue what you are talking of.. nevertheless.. if you want to support a fascist settler state that has uprooted Palestinians and continues to ...then good for you

. the Palestinian community as a whole and society has been decimated by foreign settlers no matter their religions ... And those that remained live under Isreali Apartheid laws ..just as your Isreali Arabs [48Palestinans] that the Zionist state didn't kill,expel or bribe were kept under military rule for 25 years. And still live as 3rd class Isreali passport holders.

Never forget most of those Palestinians that have been kicked out of Palestine and their descendents,

as refugees have a right of return to their country just as you have the right to return to yours back in the UK.

As it stands now in all historic Palestine where half the Palestinians live they outnumber the settlers..

Time to end the slow genocide and oppression and apartheid laws on the native Palestinians.. rather than supporting a growing fascistic jabotinskyist zionist state ..every day more and more [non zionist] Jews in Palestine are waking up to the fact that they live in fascistic isreali Aparthied state.. this should give us all hope for the future


this guy is such an imbecile, who knows nothing at all about the Israel-Palestine issue.




Germany committed genocide against the Jews from 1933–1945


Jewish population worldwide in 1933: 19 million

Jewish population worldwide in 1945: 13.2 million

Jewish population worldwide in 2017: 13.2 million

over 70 years later they are sonly barely recovering.


Turkey committed genocide against the Armenian population through the 1910s and 1920s.


Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire 1915: 1.5 million

Armenian population in Turkey 1935: 77,000

Armenian population in Turkey 2017: 61,000


they fared even worse than Jews in that respect. The genocide of Armenian Christians, at the hands of Turkish Muslims, they have still not recovered from 100 years later.


That - the Jewish and Armenian Genocides - is the rawest and most evil form of genocide and to draw a comparison between that and what has has happened to the Palestinians is not just wrong, but a form of holocaust denial.


because :


[let's see what's happened in Israel-Palestine.


Palestinian population 1947 - 600,000

Palestinian population 2017: 3.5 million


Nations that suffer genocide see a tragic and steep drop in their population. In the 70 years from 1947, the Palestinian population has increased SIX TIMES.


That's a genocide?


In addition, since 1967, only 50 years ago, the Palestinians have seen their income levels increase, and in real not absolute terms too, by 500%. Their life expectancy has increased by 20 years.*Their infant mortality rate has dropped by 80%.


that's a genocide?


I also like the reference to the 'jabotinskyist zionist state'. Ze'ev Jabotinsky is often called a 'fascist' by these anti-Israel numbskulls, which only shows how ignorant they are about the history of Palestine, the Yishuv, and the Yishuv's political figures because Jabotinsky was definitely not a fascist or anything close to it - although Jabotinsky was right wing compared to the massive majority of early Zionists who were by today's standards, fairly extreme left wingers. Jabotinsky was an economic liberal, was not an authoritian at all, he believed in a free press, and unbelievable as it might seem to the likes of ignorant bigots like WestTinsley, he also believed that the rights of minorities should be protected in any future Jewish state. Jabotinsky was not a fascist at all and people like WestTinsley are travestising history by pretending that he was. If Jabotinsky was in politics today, he would be on the left wing of the Tory party like somebody like Kenneth Clarke. Whereas the big majority of early Zionism's political figures, and Jabotinsky's political opponents, would be lining up with Jeremy Corbyn.


minus the antisemitism, of course :)


---------- Post added 07-09-2017 at 19:50 ----------


Are you claiming that the figures showing large rises in hare crime directed at Muslims, Jews, and others are false?


Or are you saying you don't think they're perpetrated by people with ring wing sympathies?


the rise in antisemitic attacks is still to a very large extent, attributable to far-right Stormfront Nazi type perpetrators. If somebody attacks a synagogue or beats up an observant Jewish bloke walking down the street, then they are far likelier to be a Stormfront Nazi type person than anyone else - who are, as you know, the traditional perpetrators of anti Jewish violence.


but, when it comes to antisemitic attacks, Islamists and Muslims, totally unknown say 30 years ago, have started to come up on the radar now too - though not as much as some Jewish groups like to claim. The big majority of antisemitic attacks are STILL by far-right Stormfront nazi types.


more alarmingly for those left-wingers who like to think they are these beacons of tolerance and respect, there is a new category of antisemite attacks too, also, like attacks from Islamists and Muslims, unknown 30 years ago.


these come from not far-right Stormfront type Nazis, but left-wingers who may consider themselves 'socialists'. They can vandalise a synagogue or a Jewish grave just like a Nazi or an Islamist Muslim can. Only they do it in the name of 'anti-Zionism'. Which is just Jew-hating antisemitism by another name.

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for sure, the far-right groups in Europe appear to have, on the surface, to have shed their former blatant Jew-hating antisemitism and some of them have even begun making noises praising Israel which they would never have done before.


---------- Post added 07-09-2017 at 09:54 -------

Your previous post at least the bit I read that wasn't c&p about jabotinsky was all I needed to know about you. A terrorist and a Jewish Fascist call him an extreme ultra zionist if You want blake.

A fascist who was at the forefront in calling for genocide and ethnic cleansing of the native Palestinians..not bad for a Russian jew who'd only been in Palestine 6 years. Shall we mention what he and his groups and inspired terror groups planned and did to the poor British mandate troops..??


I'll leave you with this why does a jew in Britain who may never have been to the Zionist state have free entry into it and to live where he or she wants , yet a Palestinian who has been exiled and is a refugee is banned to even visit.


Another one why do Jews from Europe and America etc have a link to the land of Palestine ???

Why should they have gone there ? And cleared out 87% of a countries population?

Did God promise it the Zionists or Did they go back to some place they thought they were from 1850 years ago???

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jabotinsky was A terrorist and a Jewish Fascist call him an extreme ultra zionist if You want blake.

A fascist who was at the forefront in calling for genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.



you're just an illiterate imbecile, and if anybody is the racist/fascist around here, it's you. I don't think I would have voted for him had I been one of the Yishuv, but Jabotinsky certainly wasn't a fascist.


here is what was in Jabotinsky's constitution for the proposed Jewish state, in 1934 :


the Arab minority is to be on an equal footing with its Jewish counterpart "throughout all sectors of the country's public life." The two communities were to share the state's duties, both military and civil service, and enjoy its prerogatives. Jabotinsky proposed that Hebrew and Arabic should enjoy equal rights and that "in every cabinet where the prime minister is a Jew, the vice-premiership shall be offered to an Arab and vice versa."


now, you might call that naïve. You might call it unrealistic, although today over 80 years later Israel's 23% Arab minority is not all that far off what Jabotinsky envisoned. But there is no way you could possibly call it racist, or fascist. I would never have voted for Jabotinsky. But when two-bit lying propagandist imbeciles like you with no historical knowledge at all, want to call Jabotinsky a fascist, when he was just a right-of-centre economic liberal who would be bit of a wet Tory today, then I'll call you up on it. Because it is just not true.

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The personal comments and insults can stop now please.


Go for a walk, take a breath whatever you need, but any more insults will result in suspensions


The thread will be reopened in a few minutes once you've had chance to read this


-- EDIT --


Thread reopened

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Bosnian muslims joined the waffen ss and so did turkish volunteers who also fought with the germans in ww2 and committed atrocities , the grand mufti of palestine wanted to take sides with the germans too .

Not exactly a fact that the nazis were anti islam ,anti jew yes , they murdered over 6 million

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Bosnian muslims joined the waffen ss and so did turkish volunteers who also fought with the germans in ww2 and committed atrocities , the grand mufti of palestine wanted to take sides with the germans too .

Not exactly a fact that the nazis were anti islam ,anti jew yes , they murdered over 6 million


So your point is..?

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