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Gym goers - Don't give up!

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I'm just putting a happy little post in this section to spur on fellow gym goers, or people wishing to lose weight that there *is* light at the end of the tunnel :thumbsup:


I joined Virgin about 3 weeks ago, with a desperate need to lose some weight before I go on holiday (18 days to go today!)

My instructor put me on a VERY evil programme, which consists of cardio work (20 mins running/15 on bike/15 on crosstrainer) and told me to go 5 times a week... I have done as I'm told and I'm delighted to announce that I am 1/2 stone lighter... :D


I hadnt really noticed, apart from being able to get into a pair of jeans which were too tight a few months back... But I think thats down to me suffering from IBS and being REALLY bloated all the time... I was so self conscious about that, I hadnt noticed the good that had been done!


This probably is no great achievement, and I have a long way to go before I'll look good on the catwalk :hihi: But I'm very pleased with myself and hope that if anyone else is having difficulty in the same area that they'll find my success so far inspiring :thumbsup:

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well congratulations, however photographic evidence of you trying to get into the jeans is required, and then out of them again. slowly. lol.


Haha well its no longer a struggle... I'll tell you that much is true! :D No piccies though... I hate full length shots... Damn I'm self conscious!

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Well done darlin!!!


I think i have lost weight but i think i have put it on in muscle instead so i weigh the same (well thats what i keep telling myself anyway-lol!!)


Great stuff! Although we have different objectives, I'm glad someone else has been sticking at it!

I've had my mind set on this one objective and am so pleased that its paid off! :D

50 minutes a day... It *is* possible guys!

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loads of exams - just seen your profile - u do law? loads in your case is 2/3 exams?!!! id know this as my house mates did law at uni!!


I know - i need to get my beach body sorted!!! nearly there...


I had 3 pieces of coursework due in and 3 exams in the space of 2 and half weeks... I was such a stresshead! Talk about good planning on the university's part :hihi:


Yup... Zante beach, here I come! Clad in a beautiful pink bikini! Yay!

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