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Macdonalds strike.

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Person see's job advertised.

Person goes to the interview.

Person is fully aware of the salary on offer.

Person goes on strike because he does not like the salary s/he has agreed to work for.


If you don't like the job fine, find another job, if you don't like the salary don't take the job in the first place or find another job. Also afaik McDonalds are brilliant at looking after their staff and moving people up to management and more senior roles. Everyone has to start somewhere.


So every strike about pay there has ever been in the history of trade unionism was wrong?...Just go find another job?

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Would you be happy to do it for min wage?...Especially if you're only 17, you get even less then...


Have done - I worked in a kitchen for £2.32 an hour - when £2.32 was still sod all! So yes, I'd do it for minimum wage, certainly, as another poster pointed out, Macdonalds generally look after their staff. If youre paying someone ot work at Macdonalds £10 p/h, Care Workers need at least £12 p/h (and I wouldnt do that job for double that!).


---------- Post added 04-09-2017 at 15:39 ----------


So every strike about pay there has ever been in the history of trade unionism was wrong?...Just go find another job?


Macdonalds themeselves are claiming it isnt about pay.....

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Have done - I worked in a kitchen for £2.32 an hour - when £2.32 was still sod all! So yes, I'd do it for minimum wage, certainly, as another poster pointed out, Macdonalds generally look after their staff. If youre paying someone ot work at Macdonalds £10 p/h, Care Workers need at least £12 p/h (and I wouldnt do that job for double that!).


---------- Post added 04-09-2017 at 15:39 ----------



Macdonalds themeselves are claiming it isnt about pay.....


Yes...That's the absurdity of it all....The min wage is utterly wrong in my view. Yes the principle and spirit of it is laudable, but it 'is' an excuse to just pay the minimum you can legally get away with...It has the effect of suppressing wages for everyone.

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Would you be happy to do it for min wage?...Especially if you're only 17, you get even less then...


I washed pots in a kitchen at that age for minimum wage.


Come serving time it's pretty manic, but inbetween meal times there's a fair bit of larking around and some decent break time.


---------- Post added 04-09-2017 at 16:19 ----------


sack them immediately, plenty more to take their place! £10 ph for a burger flipper ridiculous.


£10/hour seems to be a figure thats come out the mouth of Corbyn.


Thats over 25% increase on the current minimum wage.

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sack them immediately, plenty more to take their place! £10 ph for a burger flipper ridiculous.


Eey by eck, when I were a lad, we worked 52 hour a day dahn't coalmine, walked 20 mile back t'shed where we lived wi' 63 brothers and sisters, slept for 6 minutes, then walked another 72 miles t'steelworks and spent another 89 hours a day working in t'furnace.


All for 3 shillings a week.


And tha never heard me moanin' abaht it.


Kids don't know they born these days :roll:


I blame the EU and the human rights lobby

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Have you ever 'flipped a burger'?


Once upon a time, if there was a nasty job (bin-men come to mind), then you got decent pay for it, just because it was a nasty job. But min wage put paid to that.


yes actually i have! although they were gourmet burgers when i trained many many years ago as a commis chef:D under a very strict regime where pots and sometimes other things including knives were thrown in the direction of the commis if he was too slow during service. it was alowly start but we could only dream of £10 ph or actually it was about £1.20-1.50ph in the 70,s.

Bu we learnt a lot from starting out at the bottom, unlike today when they think they are owed a living:loopy:

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