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New sports activities for men over 50


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Starting this Friday (8th Sept) we have a new sports programme at concord sports centre. The session will take place in the sports hall from 2:30 - 3:30. Sessions will be a mixture of a number of different activities including walking football, badminton, tennis, cricket, circuits to name but a few. All abilities are welcome and we have qualified instructors who can cater sessions for a wide range of needs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your health and wellbeing all whilst having fun and making new mates.


If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call:07841 430165

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so why is a specific group and activity needed for them?


Perhaps because people of that age group have said they wanted more activities aimed at their cohort? Or maybe they've been identified as a group who are least active and the council wants to promote activities for them?


At no point did the OP mention that they are old, and at no point was the advert condecending.

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HI All,


we do not consider 50+ to be old, in fact we do not consider any age to be old. We believe that age is relative to how you feel. We are a charitable organisation (not council funded) who are trying to provide opportunities for people to become more engaged in activities that promote health and wellbeing and develop friendships. we hope this is something everyone can support. Furthermore, we believe that this session will be applicable to all levels of fitness as their will be some element of competition involved. We encourage all to attend and see what its all about. No obligation.


Please follow the link below to see how our project runs in Middlesbrough, we are trying to replicate this in Sheffield...





Jamie Crowther

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I am fitter at 50 than I was at 30 BUT many of my friends do no exercise anything that encourages people to get fit is good in my book.
Agreed - alas I am nowhere near as fit as used to be - but I know what you mean about friends, mine are hopeless


As a member of the target age group I do admit to reluctantly accepting I am getting older - but things are different now. The one thing I have noticed with "ageing" is I am more aware of risk of injury, and take longer to recover from them - so tend toward "lower risk" activity these days, and 50+ specific stuff like this sounds ideal

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