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Tramlines Festival - Hillsborough Park

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People and security and Tramlines itself were great, they dealt very well with anyone that missed behaved, the walled garden incident was unfortunate, but worse things could have happened the Walled Garden incident happened between 4:30pm and 8pm on Saturday was put back to normal by a few garden volunteers myself included.


Good on you for doing that. Have you been in the park proper yet? If so, I'd be interested to learn how have the local wildlife (in particular the swans and geese, ducks and moorhens) reacted to the noise? It seems to me that as many people on this forum can't even consider us local residents and empathise with how we feel about things, that they really won't give a damn about the animals and that if they happen to fly off and never return, they'd likely just say 'so what'. So I hope that if they did fly off that they have returned once more. Can you comment on that at all?


And to those who enjoyed it and don't live around here, good stuff. You had your fun and you had a (hopefully) great time. Now its time to stop opposing us locals because the concerns are valid and it's really only because we speak up that the whole thing runs as smoothly as it does. Now we need the cleanup and take down operation to go well and the park to be as it was before.

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Unexpected weekend bonus for some of the Walkley businesses. A steady stream of tramlines punters after each evening had finished walking back up the hill, along South Road and onwards.


Although the beer co had stopped on-sales at 10 pm, they were doing a good trade in off sales to new punters who didn't know it existed before.


We went for a curry around 10.30pm Saturday night and that filled up nicely as well with post tramliners .

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Well done everybody concerned with the event. Not seen anything this good

since Armed Forces day years ago. Its good to feel proud about our locality. Even the moaners are having to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find things to moan about Some people camping for 2 nights nearby told me that the park was a great place for the event and they hoped it would stay here. The businesses would welcome them back too.

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that they really won't give a damn about the animals and that if they happen to fly off and never return, they'd likely just say 'so what'.


What a stupid comment to make!


Many large festivals are held in parks and gardens with little or no effect on the wildlife. To you, the festival may be an annoyance but they are wild animals living in an urban environment, and to them it is just different noises, smells and visual stimulation. The only adverse effect I witnessed was probably people over feeding the wildlife which can happen anywhere.

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Good on you for doing that. Have you been in the park proper yet? If so, I'd be interested to learn how have the local wildlife (in particular the swans and geese, ducks and moorhens) reacted to the noise? It seems to me that as many people on this forum can't even consider us local residents and empathise with how we feel about things, that they really won't give a damn about the animals and that if they happen to fly off and never return, they'd likely just say 'so what'. So I hope that if they did fly off that they have returned once more. Can you comment on that at all?


And to those who enjoyed it and don't live around here, good stuff. You had your fun and you had a (hopefully) great time. Now its time to stop opposing us locals because the concerns are valid and it's really only because we speak up that the whole thing runs as smoothly as it does. Now we need the cleanup and take down operation to go well and the park to be as it was before.


Ive not been down today except to retrieve a camera and check the garden, i'll ask tomorrow. no one has mentioned any issues regarding wildlife and to be fair tramlines have been very honest about any damage caused so far, which is one bench and tarmac caused by tramlines machinery not the general public.


I tended to be up only up at the walled garden and wildlife areas during the mornings, 6am and some other times in the evening generally a lot of the birds roost over night in those areas and its been pretty much as normal, on a plus note, when I took The tramlines security in on Sunday 6:20am to survey the damage, we were greeted by a peregrine falcon, ripping a pigeon to pieces, normal you might see a sparrow hawk occasionally.


once its back open to the public to walk through, I'll take a camera down to the lake area.

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What a stupid comment to make!


Many large festivals are held in parks and gardens with little or no effect on the wildlife. To you, the festival may be an annoyance but they are wild animals living in an urban environment, and to them it is just different noises, smells and visual stimulation. The only adverse effect I witnessed was probably people over feeding the wildlife which can happen anywhere.


Well well, someone has judged it stupid to make a comment asking if there has been any effect on the wildlife and being concerned for the welfare of animals in the park. Because only the stupid are ever concerned for animal welfare? No? Well perhaps you should not be quite so judgemental. Many animals get afraid of loud noises and the music got very loud, especially on the sunday. Perhaps I don't really need to explain this and you're simply trolling. If so, bravo sir, you got a response, well done.


---------- Post added 23-07-2018 at 15:32 ----------


Ive not been down today except to retrieve a camera and check the garden, i'll ask tomorrow. no one has mentioned any issues regarding wildlife and to be fair tramlines have been very honest about any damage caused so far, which is one bench and tarmac caused by tramlines machinery not the general public.


I tended to be up only up at the walled garden and wildlife areas during the mornings, 6am and some other times in the evening generally a lot of the birds roost over night in those areas and its been pretty much as normal, on a plus note, when I took The tramlines security in on Sunday 6:20am to survey the damage, we were greeted by a peregrine falcon, ripping a pigeon to pieces, normal you might see a sparrow hawk occasionally.


once its back open to the public to walk through, I'll take a camera down to the lake area.


Sounds good, though by then I may have been down myself as well. Here's hoping all is as it should be.

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What a stupid comment to make!


Many large festivals are held in parks and gardens with little or no effect on the wildlife. To you, the festival may be an annoyance but they are wild animals living in an urban environment, and to them it is just different noises, smells and visual stimulation. The only adverse effect I witnessed was probably people over feeding the wildlife which can happen anywhere.



Yes maybe many festivals are held in parks and gardens but as this is the first big festival held in THIS park and totally around the duck pond I don't see this as a stupid comment.

Edited by The Giraffe
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Well well, someone has judged it stupid to make a comment asking if there has been any effect on the wildlife and being concerned for the welfare of animals in the park. Because only the stupid are ever concerned for animal welfare? No? Well perhaps you should not be quite so judgemental. Many animals get afraid of loud noises and the music got very loud, especially on the sunday. Perhaps I don't really need to explain this and you're simply trolling. If so, bravo sir, you got a response, well done.


---------- Post added 23-07-2018 at 15:32 ----------

I think the stupid comment was directed to the section they highlighted referring to nobody giving a dam, but that probably didn't suit your agenda


Sounds good, though by then I may have been down myself as well. Here's hoping all is as it should be.


I bet you secretly hope its not though,

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Well well, someone has judged it stupid to make a comment asking if there has been any effect on the wildlife and being concerned for the welfare of animals in the park. Because only the stupid are ever concerned for animal welfare?


Maybe you should read what I posted before composing a reply.


You claimed that 'many people on this forum' would say 'so what?'' if the animals flew off and never returned. I said that that was a stupid comment. I still think it is a stupid comment. This can be easily resolved. You show me any proof at all, that many people on here would say that, and I will donate £100 to an animal welfare charity of your choice.


If you can't, maybe you could post an apology to the good people of this forum.

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