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Tramlines Festival - Hillsborough Park

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This year's festival was amazing, we stayed with friends up in Hillsborough and the vibe was amazing. Big thank you to all the friendly residents for putting up with the noise and hassle!



I was one of the Residents and loved every minute if it, most others l spoke to said the same, Roll on next year :)

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Seems to have gone very well, we went and sat near the playground and listened/watched screen without paying a penny so was a winner


Got to admit I was also there and Watched - Had a few beers with me then onto local pub , So was cheap for a few ;)


I do think the organises should only charge for main stage area and let others watch other acts for free , The drink and food prices was expensive but I understand the rent to have a stall there was also - so I suppose the stalls had to recover there costs :(

But still make half the event free then familys could enjoy more .

Tramlines will be in Park for next 3 years at least , And who can blame them Making at least over 2 million for the event :hihi:;) I think the moaners who live round there might be best booking a holiday away ;):hihi:

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Got to admit I was also there and Watched - Had a few beers with me then onto local pub , So was cheap for a few ;)


I do think the organises should only charge for main stage area and let others watch other acts for free , The drink and food prices was expensive but I understand the rent to have a stall there was also - so I suppose the stalls had to recover there costs :(

But still make half the event free then familys could enjoy more .

Tramlines will be in Park for next 3 years at least , And who can blame them Making at least over 2 million for the event :hihi:;) I think the moaners who live round there might be best booking a holiday away ;):hihi:



If you want to watch other acts for free theres plenty in the Fringe. Making half of Hillsborough Park free gives people even less reason to go and spend their money in the town centre.


As for families enjoying it more, the ones I saw looked like they were having a great time, plus its free for U12s anyway.


Its proved to be a massive success, and it obviously doesnt need changing if the ticket sales for 2019 so far are anything to go by.

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I do think the organises should only charge for main stage area and let others watch other acts for free


The problem with doing that is that they would have to put up a whole load of extra fencing around the main stage, employ extra security to check people in and out of the area, would reduce the capacity of the festival and cause a number of additional of health and safety problems if you had to evacuate the main stage area into an already full festival site.


This would inevitably push ticket prices up and would be pretty pointless as the park was rammed for the headliners on all three nights, so I guess most of those attending wanted to watch them.

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Guest makapaka
The problem with doing that is that they would have to put up a whole load of extra fencing around the main stage, employ extra security to check people in and out of the area, would reduce the capacity of the festival and cause a number of additional of health and safety problems if you had to evacuate the main stage area into an already full festival site.


This would inevitably push ticket prices up and would be pretty pointless as the park was rammed for the headliners on all three nights, so I guess most of those attending wanted to watch them.


Exactly - it was fine how it was - brilliant in fact.

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A couple of younger families from my street went, and thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. We are in the restricted parking zone, the organisation was good. People were using public transport (pleased the tram strike had little impact) and taxis seemed to be busy.


ive been in favour from the start, even though I've no interest in attending. I'm so glad it went well, and although there was some damage in the walled garden (there are always some brain dead specimens) I'm pleased it was minimal.

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