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Tramlines Festival - Hillsborough Park

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And that had what to do with the festival?


That's very confrontational. It happened during the festival time, but if you'd like proof that it was in any way related, I haven't got any.


---------- Post added 23-07-2018 at 23:07 ----------


has anyone suggested it was inside?, tramlines had to factor in the security of the wall garden.


facts are...


part of Tramlines security responsibilities were also safeguarding areas outside of the perimeter which included the Walled Garden, Wildlife area and all pubic space within the Park that remained open during their event.


The walled garden was entered during tramlines operating times 4:30-8pm


A second attempt to enter the walled garden followed the next day, again between 4:30-8pm this attempt failed.


its an unfortunate occurrence, but no one is blaming this on Tramlines or those attending and as I've stated Tramlines were very helpful and generously offered help and assistance putting things back in place.


so no fake news, just a sad occurrence that shouldn't mar tramlines in anyway it was a brilliant well organised event, everyone is looking forward to the next one.


Let's just call it coincidence that it happened during those times. I'm glad Tramlines were helpful in reinstating things.

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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That's very confrontational. It happened during the festival time, but if you'd like proof that it was in any way related, I haven't got any.


Not at all confrontational, just asking a simple question.


You are at least the second poster on this thread to link the damage to the walled garden fountain to the festival without any evidence that the two things were in any way related. As I pointed out earlier, the walled garden was separated from the festival by an 18 foot high security fence but was freely accessible from Middlewood Road. Saying that it happened during the festival time is about as relevant as me saying a house in your street was burgled at the same time as you were having a barbecue so there must be a connection.

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Not at all confrontational, just asking a simple question.


You are at least the second poster on this thread to link the damage to the walled garden fountain to the festival without any evidence that the two things were in any way related. As I pointed out earlier, the walled garden was separated from the festival by an 18 foot high security fence but was freely accessible from Middlewood Road. Saying that it happened during the festival time is about as relevant as me saying a house in your street was burgled at the same time as you were having a barbecue so there must be a connection.


It's highly unlikely that it was a coincidence isn't it? "Separated" by an 18 foot security fence which people were free to leave and re-enter.

I don't see you asking if the reports of local businesses doing well was just a coincidence. Exactly the same argument applies though.


---------- Post added 24-07-2018 at 07:22 ----------


Even those of us who decided to cycle there and came off on wet tramlines! :roll:


Yeah, they're slippery in the wet, I cycle all year, you have to treat them with respect.

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I don't see you asking if the reports of local businesses doing well was just a coincidence. Exactly the same argument applies.


Of course it wasn't a coincidence.


Loads more people in the area = more business for local shops. Loads more people in the area does not = increased acts of vandalism.

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Sorry to hear that's happened again to you, was it the same spot as the previous time or times you've come a cropper on the lines?


Thanks Steve. Was same spot as many years ago; just before the crossroads with Holme Lane, heading to the park. There are multiple tracks intersecting at different angles so hard to negotiate, even for experienced cyclists.

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