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Antifa named as a terrorists by government

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Are you saying that George Soros through his foundation doesn't fund Antifa activists?


No evidence whatsoever other than in the minds of the easily lead.






Dude, you've been sold a pup and you don't even know it! As I said before, gullible.


Next you'll be telling us Clinton sold uranium........ Yawn!


---------- Post added 09-09-2017 at 11:52 ----------


No because this is about Antifa thugs.


Lol, didn't think so.


Out of interest, what would your reaction be if a bunch of people with high powered rifles, shouting Nazi slogans and talking about lynching jews marched down your road?


Most decent people stand for those things but the BAMN are violent Antifa thugs and they are setting up here now.


They've always been here, now they have a nice new politically motived name for you to parrot in every sentence.



Sacramento isn't over here.


From the link you posted it's not clear what actually happened, but I'd find a group of masked white supremacists marching down the road pretty terrifying. Seems this tiny woman took exception, can't say I blame her on the face of it, most decent people would.

Edited by Magilla
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Troubling times.


Farage now actively stoking the far-right in Germany.


I think we know what these two guys are all about now. Antifa is a reaction to what they stand for and shutting down groups like Antifa is exactly what a far-right demagogue would try and do. It's all about open hate and creating division.


No lessons learned from history here.

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Troubling times.


Farage now actively stoking the far-right in Germany.


I think we know what these two guys are all about now. Antifa is a reaction to what they stand for and shutting down groups like Antifa is exactly what a far-right demagogue would try and do. It's all about open hate and creating division.


Outed! :hihi:


No lessons learned from history here.


More a case of "wilfully ignored".

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Out of interest, what would your reaction be if a bunch of people with high powered rifles, shouting Nazi slogans and talking about lynching jews marched down your road?




They've always been here, now they have a nice new politically motived name for you to parrot in every sentence.


Every topic on Sheffield Forum has to turn into a personal attack with an assumption instead of discussing the subject and learning something from different opinions.


I can do that too if you like. My reaction to any group of masked thugs is the same. I think that they conceited overreacting morons who are too simple minded to have a discussion because they think that their opinion is the only one that matters. Just like you come across. Lol


Out of interest what would be your reaction to bunches of masked Antifa thugs marching down your road starting a riot, assaulting and intimidating and smashing up property because people have different opinions to them. You sound like one of those BAMN people who think that anyone to the right of Tony Benn is a nazi.

Edited by ENG601PM
I messed up the quotation
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This is fake news .. secondly it's in USA not Europe not Britain not local.

If trump thinks giving free reign to fascists, kkk and other white supremacists and far rightists then god help the Americans.

I always thought it was obv that anti fascists anti nazis were a reaction to neo Nazis fascists and other travelers organizing on the streets






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Every topic on Sheffield Forum has to turn into a personal attack with an assumption instead of discussing the subject and learning something from different opinions.


I did ask you on your views with regard to the right since the left can't exist without it, you refused to discuss it. So much for "discussing the subject and learning something from different opinions" eh.


Clearly, you don't want to have the discussion about why this is happening.


I can do that too if you like. My reaction to any group of masked thugs is the same. I think that they conceited overreacting morons who are too simple minded to have a discussion because they think that their opinion is the only one that matters. Just like you come across. Lol


Odd then that you refused to have that discussion. Seemingly, you only want agreement.


Out of interest what would be your reaction to bunches of masked Antifa thugs marching down your road starting a riot, assaulting and intimidating and smashing up property because people have different opinions to them.


As far as I've seen, "Antifa thugs" as you like to call them, seem to be confined to areas where "Nazi, White Supremacist thugs" have advertised they're going to gather. So not much chance around here.


As you pointed out before, most "decent" people share their opinions, just not their method of operation. They're not intimidating people because of their race or religion like those they're protesting against. To most people those "different opinions" are unaceptable in a modern society.


You sound like one of those BAMN people who think that anyone to the right of Tony Benn is a nazi.


Well I'm asking questions which you don't seem to be comfortable answering, that much is true.


When someone only wants to condemn one side of a two sided coin, you have to wonder why that is.

Edited by Magilla
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Are you saying that George Soros through his foundation doesn't fund Antifa activists?


No evidence whatsoever other than in the minds of the easily lead.






Dude, you've been sold a pup and you don't even know it! As I said before, gullible.


Next you'll be telling us Clinton sold uranium........ Yawn!


You've just described Hots on to a tee!

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Every topic on Sheffield Forum has to turn into a personal attack with an assumption instead of discussing the subject and learning something from different opinions.


I can do that too if you like. My reaction to any group of masked thugs is the same. I think that they conceited overreacting morons who are too simple minded to have a discussion because they think that their opinion is the only one that matters. Just like you come across. Lol


Out of interest what would be your reaction to bunches of masked Antifa thugs marching down your road starting a riot, assaulting and intimidating and smashing up property because people have different opinions to them. You sound like one of those BAMN people who think that anyone to the right of Tony Benn is a nazi.


Since the anti-Fascists wouldn't be there if the Fascists weren't, your question can't be detached from Magilla's. Personally, I would always rather there were people there to oppose Fascists than not.

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I think his opinion of antifa (anarchists/communists) is probably influenced by their actions in hamburg a few months back at the g20 summit, didn't appear to be any right wingers there unless you count government leaders as them.


They're being lumped together into the mythical right-wing wet dream "Antifa", basically anyone who's not "us" = Antifa = bad. That's all the right needs, a bit like "deep state".


The gullible fall for it, in this very forum:


"Nasty spiteful womans march for Hurricane Harvey"

https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1521216&page=2, post #24


Many of the women on this march are the same types you get at Antifa and various other far left freak shows




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