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Antifa named as a terrorists by government

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The Antifa anti fascist have been named as a domestic terror group by the USA security service.


Oh, right, so it's the American government that has named them as a domestic terrorist group, not the British government.


Your clickbait title didn't make that clear.


Any you gonna tell the Mods to change it, or shall I ?

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I did ask you on your views with regard to the right since the left can't exist without it, you refused to discuss it. So much for "discussing the subject and learning something from different opinions" eh.


Clearly, you don't want to have the discussion about why this is happening.




Odd then that you refused to have that discussion. Seemingly, you only want agreement.




As far as I've seen, "Antifa thugs" as you like to call them, seem to be confined to areas where "Nazi, White Supremacist thugs" have advertised they're going to gather. So not much chance around here.


As you pointed out before, most "decent" people share their opinions, just not their method of operation. They're not intimidating people because of their race or religion like those they're protesting against. To most people those "different opinions" are unaceptable in a modern society.




Well I'm asking questions which you don't seem to be comfortable answering, that much is true.


When someone only wants to condemn one side of a two sided coin, you have to wonder why that is.

Wrong try again. I already condemned both sides of the coin and now it is your turn to condemn Antifa thugs. I bet that you can't bring yourself to do it without making them out to be victims.


Every topic on Sheffield Forum has to turn into a personal attack with an assumption instead of discussing the subject and learning something from different opinions.


I can do that too if you like. My reaction to any group of masked thugs is the same. I think that they conceited overreacting morons who are too simple minded to have a discussion because they think that their opinion is the only one that matters. Just like you come across. Lol


Out of interest what would be your reaction to bunches of masked Antifa thugs marching down your road starting a riot, assaulting and intimidating and smashing up property because people have different opinions to them. You sound like one of those BAMN people who think that anyone to the right of Tony Benn is a nazi.

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Antifa and UAF over here are the thug branches of the SWP, they turn out at every anti capitalist event as well as when the likes of the EDL or Britain First are protesting, they see fascism in every right wing opinion no matter how extreme, or not.

There are very few fascists and neo Nazis in the UK, once again I will claim that the UK and the British people are generally a very tolerant bunch, however much there are divisions in modern society, much hyped by social media and the media generally.

Too many people are now easily offended, even to the point of being offended on other peoples behalf, people now look to be victims because we have labelled and placed victimhood on various groups within society .... it's all quite sad and pathetic really IMHO !

Quick question does anyone on here actually know anybody who is a White supremacist, Fascist or neo Nazi without turning to google :suspect:

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Antifa and UAF over here are the thug branches of the SWP, they turn out at every anti capitalist event as well as when the likes of the EDL or Britain First are protesting, they see fascism in every right wing opinion no matter how extreme, or not.

There are very few fascists and neo Nazis in the UK, once again I will claim that the UK and the British people are generally a very tolerant bunch, however much there are divisions in modern society, much hyped by social media and the media generally.

Too many people are now easily offended, even to the point of being offended on other peoples behalf, people now look to be victims because we have labelled and placed victimhood on various groups within society .... it's all quite sad and pathetic really IMHO !

Quick question does anyone on here actually know anybody who is a White supremacist, Fascist or neo Nazi without turning to google :suspect:

Yup, funnily enough I also know some on Google PLUS lol

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Wrong try again.


Nope. You were deliberately trying to condemn one side of a two sided coin, why is that?


I already condemned both sides of the coin and now it is your turn to condemn Antifa thugs.


No, you condemned violence, as did I. You've been at pains not to discuss or condemn what white supremacists and nazi's stand for explicitely. Now's your chance.


I bet that you can't bring yourself to do it without making them out to be victims.


Victims of what?


I condemn all violence, thuggery is unacceptable. In addition to that, I also condemn white supremacists and nazi's that these people are fighting against, who's actions and motivations are far more offensive and destructive (IMV).


Personally, I would always rather there were people there to oppose Fascists than not.


I'm with Bob, as you say, like most "decent" people would be.

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No evidence whatsoever other than in the minds of the easily lead.






Dude, you've been sold a pup and you don't even know it! As I said before, gullible.


Neither of those links show that George Soros does not fund Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and other groups.

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Nope. You were deliberately trying to condemn one side of a two sided coin, why is that?




No, you condemned violence, as did I. You've been at pains not to discuss or condemn what white supremacists and nazi's stand for explicitely. Now's your chance.




Victims of what?


I condemn all violence, thuggery is unacceptable. In addition to that, I also condemn white supremacists and nazi's that these people are fighting against, who's actions and motivations are far more offensive and destructive (IMV).




I'm with Bob, as you say, like most "decent" people would be.


What sort of idiot even needs to ask if I condemn white supremacists or nazis. It doesn't even need saying and of course I do and you are that kind of idiot.


This topic is about Antifa being named as terrorists. Now's your chance to condemn them without mentioning white supremacists or nazis.


For years Antifa in America have being allowed to roam the streets and university campuses and smash them up and they are gaining momentum here. The pathetic Neo Nazis as you should call them are not much of a threat to anyone but they are getting noisy and gaining support because of Antifa. The fascists now are Antifa who are inventing an enemy that didn't exist.


Antifa openly march with hammer and sickle flags and that's as disgusting as a swastika and you should condemn that as much as I do.

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What sort of idiot even needs to ask if I condemn white supremacists or nazis. It doesn't even need saying and of course I do and you are that kind of idiot.


What sort of idiot wouldn't clear that up the 1st time they were asked ;) Oh well.


You say it like these groups don't exist, they must have supporters. It's easier not to assume.


This topic is about Antifa being named as terrorists.


In the USA, it is not an issue in the UK.


Now's your chance to condemn them without mentioning white supremacists or nazis.


See my previous post.


For years Antifa in America have being allowed to roam the streets and university campuses and smash them up and they are gaining momentum here.




The pathetic Neo Nazis as you should call them are not much of a threat to anyone but they are getting noisy and gaining support because of Antifa. The fascists now are Antifa who are inventing an enemy that didn't exist.




Antifa openly march with hammer and sickle flags and that's as disgusting as a swastika and you should condemn that as much as I do.


Oh *that* Antifa, sure, but they're not the ones you were highlighting (BAMN & the woman from Berkeley!)


"Antifa" as you like to call it is attributed to so many groups that have completely disparate goals and modes of operation the term has become meaningless, it encompasses everything (seemingly) from the far far far left to the moderate/centre.


The Womens march thread is a prime example, the people on this march were largely normal mothers and housewives asking for equal rights, and sensible gun control. Like any movement it attracts the fringe elements, but there you have it in that thread "Antifa".. Laughable :loopy:

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What sort of idiot even needs to ask if I condemn white supremacists or nazis. It doesn't even need saying and of course I do and you are that kind of idiot.


This topic is about Antifa being named as terrorists. Now's your chance to condemn them without mentioning white supremacists or nazis.


For years Antifa in America have being allowed to roam the streets and university campuses and smash them up and they are gaining momentum here. The pathetic Neo Nazis as you should call them are not much of a threat to anyone but they are getting noisy and gaining support because of Antifa. The fascists now are Antifa who are inventing an enemy that didn't exist.


Antifa openly march with hammer and sickle flags and that's as disgusting as a swastika and you should condemn that as much as I do.


These two sentences betray you as being utterly, completely wrong.


Firstly your claim that Neo Nazis are 'gaining support because of Antifa'. It's utterly ridiculous. Can you explain how that works exactly? People suddenly deciding to despise non-whites because they heard some people saying race hate is a vile and horrible thing? No? Explain.


Secondly - your claim that antifa are are 'inventing an enemy that didn't exist' is frankly laughable. It's self evidently false. Your grasp of modern history is just not really there is it?

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