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Help me to make my mum more mobile

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My Mum has numerous illnesses and ailments which restrict her mobility and stop her doing day to day things like walking, sitting comfortably and enjoying life. She needs help to walk with aids like crutches or another person, so the stairs have become near on impossible, moving out of our much loved family home is not an option and it shouldn't be the only answer. However with dad working to keep that roof over her head we are unable to get much help with funding for a stair lift. So my plea to my family, friends and random strangers is to donate, so we can help fund the partial cost of a stair lift. Our local council is helping but we still can't meet what they are asking us to contribute without selling a kidney. If you can't help with a small donation that's cool but please share and in a hope that we meet our target or as close as possible. I love my mum dearly and would love to see her have more independence with her mobility to come downstairs to join in family fun or stop sleeping on the sofa when she feels she's being too much of a burden on us to get her back up to her bed. I love both my parents and this would be such a fantastic aid in the family home for her. Sadly her illnesses will not improve but her quality of life could. With your help. So yes I'm begging for money but for the best cause I can think of to date for me. I love my mum.. Did I say that's why I was doing this.



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