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Boris Johnson works himself up.

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If all the boys and girls in Parliament had been good little boys and girls and all obeyed the wishes of the democratic people, who voted to leave the EU, then Mrs May would never have changed her mind and there would never have been an early General Election.

She already had a majority. She wanted a bigger one so she could ignore the extreme brexiters in her own party when negotiating compromises with the EU. It wasn't those who were opposed to brexit that caused her to call an early election but those who wanted an extreme one.

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She already had a majority. She wanted a bigger one so she could ignore the extreme brexiters in her own party when negotiating compromises with the EU. It wasn't those who were opposed to brexit that caused her to call an early election but those who wanted an extreme one.

If that is what you believe, then why did you appear to criticise the nice lady with the post I have quoted again?


---------- Post added 17-09-2017 at 13:48 ----------


She also repeatedly said there wouldn't be an early election shortly before that. I don't think anyone believes any of Theresa Mayhem's promises any more.

see what I mean.

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If that is what you believe, then why did you appear to criticise the nice lady with the post I have quoted again?


---------- Post added 17-09-2017 at 13:48 ----------


see what I mean.


Far be it for me to speak for other former members, but May is inept, lacking confindence in her own (limited) abilities and is frightened of her own shadow as shown in the god awful One Show appearance. I have no doubt that she'd make an excellent next door neighbour - quiet, wouldn't leave her bins out and would water your plants when you went on holiday. I don't think she's a bad person. But as a leader of this country she's a car crash.

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oh give over hes a stubborn, selfish tosser with no idea of compromise and fairplay, we'd be an even more of a laughing stock than now, it has to be give and take, not take take and take



I don't know why people can't see through this self serving narcissist. Johnson wants what's best for Johnson, no more no less.

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If that is what you believe, then why did you appear to criticise the nice lady with the post I have quoted again?

She did something she repeatedly claimed she wouldn't do. If she goes back on something she was apparently that certain of how can people trust her to keep to what she says in the future?


Lets face it. She's only still leader of the Tory party because the potential replacements realise that brexit is a poisoned chalice and none of them want to go down in history as the person 'in charge' when it happened.

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Boris has been caught telling porkies - again - the man has no shame.


This man is our Foreign Secretary. Just think about that.





Is BoJo the Clown playing to the crowd and appealing to the simple-minded?


On the off-chance Theresa Mayhem sacks him, he can then turn round and say he's been punished for speaking his mind about Brexit.




Sir Nige' used to play that card regularly (and also appealed to the simple-minded).

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Boris Johnson's increasing dissatisfaction concerning Mrs May's hopeless negotiations with Europe has forced him to reveal his vision for a post-Europe UK – a low tax, low regulation state. Writing in today;s Daily Telegraph he outlines his plans for the ideal neoliberal economy that beckons the multinationals and bottom-feeders to enjoy a bonanza at the expense of the general population.


That this lying buffoon is anywhere near government shows what an utter shambles our current leadership is.

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That this lying buffoon is anywhere near government shows what an utter shambles our current leadership is.


Majority of England wants and likes lying buffoons. Has been like that for a long long time, it is part of English culture.

Not everyone does but they are in a minority.


Theresa may openly and loudly says that England chose for brexit.

She cant be bothered to mention that only 52% did and of those many were told dirty lies by boris Johnson and stupid enough to believe them.


Even if he lied 100 times in a row majority of voters are not intelligent enough and believe him next time again like they always have.

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No I didn't know,we need to do what we do to traitors because that's what they are,whatever we are doing now isn't working because we are just waiting for the next then the next and so on.


I'm all ears. What would you do to stop terrorist attacks ? Before they launch these attacks I mean

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