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Questions about WW2 and US


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Also the vast majority of the ww11 veterans 90% plus said, hitler was right but went the wrong way about it. But that would be greeted with disbelief shock, horror, these days,


It would have been greeted with as much disbelief among the WW2 veterans.


It was my parents' generation who fought in the war and I can honestly say that 100% of all those of their generation to whom I spoke over the intervening years have never vouchsafed that Hitler was right. I come from a military background so I have met many serving and ex service personnel.


Where does your figure of 90% come from?

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i feel i must ask this, where do you get your information?


Also the vast majority of the ww11 veterans 90% plus said, hitler was right but went the wrong way about it. But that would be greeted with disbelief shock, horror, these days,


I lived through, and remembered the war.


That was just a sick post war joke, that made some smile and others cringe!


There was no such feeling in Sheffield.


Hitler was hated, when we were encouraged by our government to hate! His effigy was burned in every neighborhhood on Guy Fawkes night.


During the 40s it was "Uncle Joe" Stalin who was loved by the working class, as an ally, to the exrent that as soon as the war was over they unceremoniously dumped Churchill for the Socialist State Model.


In our household both grandadads were union men who turned off the wireless as soon as Churchill came on. The "Daily Worker" was a popular newspaper in those post war years.


The poster below, Annie, has a realistic take on the situation!

Edited by trastrick
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I lived through, and remembered the war.


That was just a sick post war joke, that made some smile and others cringe!


There was no such feeling in Sheffield.


Hitler was hated, when we were encouraged by our government to hate! His effigy was burned in every neighborhhood on Guy Fawkes night.


During the 40s it was "Uncle Joe" Stalin was loved by the working class, as an ally, to the exrent that as soon as the war was over they unceremoniously dumped Churchill for the Socialist State Model.


In our household both grandadads were union men who turned off the wireless as soon as Churchill cam on. The "Daily Worker" was a popular newspaper in those post war years.


The poster below, Annie, has a realistic take on the situation!


What you are saying is i am a liar, well i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that was my experience, and no it was not a sick joke, if you thought for just a minute before posting, you might understand what he was tring to do, AND NOT HOW HE WAS DOING IT.

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What you are saying is i am a liar, well i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that was my experience, and no it was not a sick joke, if you thought for just a minute before posting, you might understand what he was tring to do, AND NOT HOW HE WAS DOING IT.


What was "...he was tring to do...".?

What experiences of 1933 to 1945 in the US, UK, Occupied Europe, Germany etc. that convinced you that "...hitler was right but went the wrong way about it."?

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What was "...he was tring to do...".?

What experiences of 1933 to 1945 in the US, UK, Occupied Europe, Germany etc. that convinced you that "...hitler was right but went the wrong way about it."?


Why dont you correctly read my post's, dont try and be clever, i did NOT say anything like what you have post. What i will say 'again' the solder's that came from the ww11 the overwhelming majority in my experiences said that hitler was right but went the wrong way about it.


if you want me to analyse other people's comments i am not able to.


my guess that they ment doing what Merkel and the french pm are doing, creating a united europe

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Hello to AKGT - Here's my take on some of the subject matter. I recall a documentary on the 'Beginning of the 2nd world war years', that wasn't the title, that's my title as it was such a long time ago, I was probably listening or watching PBS (Public Broadcasting Service). Winston Churchill was approaching the US at the outset of the war for financial aid to carry on with the effort. He was met with "where's your collateral?", I guess a smart answer would be "if I had collateral we wouldn't need the aid". The conversation got around to material things and what was decided (I kid you not!) Britain had a ship leaving South Africa with a load of diamonds and it was suggested by the US it would be intercepted by them and a transfer would take place. Churchill claimed it would be/was tantamount "to sending the Bailiff's in on a repossession". Did this all take place as suggested partly or otherwise? I don't know. I tell you I don't throw my arms in the air and shout "NO WAY" because the US being a nation of immigrants have a way about the bucks and I suppose it's not an entirely bad thing but isn't there a time and place for such shenanigans. Didn't the States buy Alaska from the Russians for 7.2 million dollars ? (A real estate deal of a lifetime) , a celebrity would have to spend triple that to buy a single dream home these day's. fleetwood

Edited by fleetwood
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What was Hitler "right" about?


How did he go the "...wrong way about it."?


It would have been greeted with as much disbelief among the WW2 veterans.


It was my parents' generation who fought in the war and I can honestly say that 100% of all those of their generation to whom I spoke over the intervening years have never vouchsafed that Hitler was right. I come from a military background so I have met many serving and ex service personnel.


Where does your figure of 90% come from?


I lived through, and remembered the war.


That was just a sick post war joke, that made some smile and others cringe!


There was no such feeling in Sheffield.


Hitler was hated, when we were encouraged by our government to hate! His effigy was burned in every neighborhhood on Guy Fawkes night.


During the 40s it was "Uncle Joe" Stalin was loved by the working class, as an ally, to the exrent that as soon as the war was over they unceremoniously dumped Churchill for the Socialist State Model.


In our household both grandadads were union men who turned off the wireless as soon as Churchill cam on. The "Daily Worker" was a popular newspaper in those post war years.


The poster below, Annie, has a realistic take on the situation!


What you are saying is i am a liar, well i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that was my experience, and no it was not a sick joke, if you thought for just a minute before posting, you might understand what he was tring to do, AND NOT HOW HE WAS DOING IT.


For the unbelievers




max you couldn't be more wrong

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The link you posted appears is a search for the words hitler+had+the+right+idea+but+went+the+wrong+way+about+it

The first four search comes up with:

1"Hitler had the right idea but he went the wrong way about it and that was his mistake"".

2"Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever. ... Whilst I understand the target of this joke is trolls and in no way Jews, I strongly disagree with joking about ..."

3"Hitler had the right idea, he just went about it the wrong way" to me ... ah, but there is a right way to commit genocide."

4"Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever! Kill 'em all, Adolf, all of 'em! .... Hitler had the idea but just went about it the wrong way. " etc.


These all seem to refer to the murder of millions of Jews during WWII.

If you found "...the vast majority of the ww11 veterans 90% plus said..."this, then I am very glad to inform you that none of that generation has ever expressed or even hinted anything of this nature to me or anyone else. Indeed many who endured hardship, found a form justification on learning of the results of Hitler's ideas. I have certainly heard it said since.


Why dont you correctly read my post's, dont try and be clever, i did NOT say anything like what you have post. What i will say 'again' the solder's that came from the ww11 the overwhelming majority in my experiences said that hitler was right but went the wrong way about it....

I do try to read your posts "correctly".

Edited by Annie Bynnol
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What was "...he was tring to do...".?

What experiences of 1933 to 1945 in the US, UK, Occupied Europe, Germany etc. that convinced you that "...hitler was right but went the wrong way about it."?


What you are saying is i am a liar, well i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that was my experience, and no it was not a sick joke, if you thought for just a minute before posting, you might understand what he was tring to do, AND NOT HOW HE WAS DOING IT.


can you show me were i said, i was convinced that .hitler was right but went the wrong way about it.


my bold


Annie Bynnol


I do try to read your posts "correctly"




i should try a little harder

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Also the vast majority of the ww11 veterans 90% plus said, hitler was right but went the wrong way about it. But that would be greeted with disbelief shock, horror, these days,


Your attempts to justify this statement so far have been pathetic.

Never mind the rights and wrongs of the sentiment expressed, just tell us where you got the 90% figure from.

Was is something you read somewhere or was it from your own experience of speaking to veterans?

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