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A teenager in the 60's.


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Spent my entire teens in the 60’s, saw Spurs do the double, went in my first pub, the Blue Bell in old Hackenthorpe village, got my first bike, a 250 BSA my dad brought home in a tea chest in a thousand bits. Saw a colour TV for the first time with my face pushed up against Wigfall’s window, dreamed of being a flower child in Haight-Ashbury San Francisco, got an apprenticeship at the coke ovens, went to Skeggy on the bike and slept in a derelict ice cream hut on the esplanade. Nearly got the s**t kicked out of me by three punks on a Saturday afternoon in broad daylight on the Moor. Saved up for a year and bought a Rocket Gold Star from Charlie Freeman, got it nicked outside the football ground three months later. Met a girl in the Travellers Rest, walked her home to Pitsmoor, married her at the registry office, that was 47 years ago, she’s still by my side now. We went on a long trip on a boat and ended up in Australia but I’ll never forget the 60’s. I’ll never forget Sheffield. It’s who I am.

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not a teenager until late sixtys,but top music ,still everyones first favourite music,life was much slower,but more intresting as new inventions came thick and fast,everyone worked,know one had to go to the social to top up a full time jobs wages,nice cars,yes the 60s were great,but remember no central heating,ice on the inside of the windows in winter,outside toilets and no bathrooms for many,but we did recycle more as in milk bottles,beer/pop bottles,also we didn't waste food and children had proper respect,so conclusion yes better days,but pity we cant get some back and mix with some of todays great things.

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..............ah the 60's!!! Wonderfull decade. Sunday nights at the lathkill hotel, with Brian Cook and the Vampires. Brian sadly no longer with us. fab fashions and music great time to be a teenager.


Yes, great days scousemouse. Sorry to learn that Brian Cook is no longer with us. As I remember (and that's a big ask) the Vampires line up was Bri Cook on vocals, Don Allison on lead guitar, Colin Boyman on guitar and Ginge Rogers on drums. I believe that Colin has also left us. Don was a damn good guitarist as well as being a smashing lad and often amused us lot at Dobcroft Youth Club with his ditties. I remember in early Vampire days that Brian bought an Austin 7 Ruby for £5 so the group could travel. Lucky to get all four in it let alone instruments as well. Brian chose to go into an insurance job rather than risk the fickle pop market.

Edited by oldrowley
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I became a teenager in 1964. It was the best of times. Saw Hendrix and the Who at the city Hall (different times). The Move 3 times and Zappa in Manchester. What a time to be a teenager. What music. I am still going to City Hall to watch my absolute favourite singer Chris Farlowe and others from my teenage years - peace and love :love::love::love:

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.........and because Downsunder is too modest to plug his book about life in Sheffield, I'll do it for him. Its called 'Alias Albert Rathbone' and its excellent. I guess you will have to PM him for details.


Thanks HP, you're a legend.


Here's a link.



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Great to hear your stories,i'm sure we all look back on those times with selective memories but it was special and we had proper childhoods without modern technology when we just went out and played.As teenagers we had a few bob to go out on and joined that music scene that will never be repeated,i'm off to Whitby tomorrow for a 60's weekend who would have thought these groups,although not all original members,would still be earning a crust.

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Great to hear your stories,i'm sure we all look back on those times with selective memories but it was special and we had proper childhoods without modern technology when we just went out and played.As teenagers we had a few bob to go out on and joined that music scene that will never be repeated,i'm off to Whitby tomorrow for a 60's weekend who would have thought these groups,although not all original members,would still be earning a crust.


Enjoy your weekend slots. :thumbsup: I would"nt have minded going. hope you"ve got your bee bopping shoes.:hihi:

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Yes Jim Hardie you are of course right. It was more like five shillings to see bands like The Who & try & see someone like Rod Stewart for under about $150nowadays. I don't think even the all nighters were even a pound were they? As I said we really were in the right place at the right time sort of thing wern't we? Those days really were the best & the music has never been as good since then, so much so that I often hear my grandkids listening to a song WE used to listen to & they don't believe me when I say "that came out when I was a teenager". The Mojo club (King Mojo Club) was only open for about three years but hey it's still talked, about written about, all these years later which says a lot doesn't it?

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