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Sheffield 10k / Students return and Sheffield Derby

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Surely this will be absolute carnage?




The date for the first Steel City derby of the season has been moved for TV purposes and will now clash with the Sheffield 10K.


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Seems idiotic frankly. Putting aside the obvious strain on policing it will cause there's also the matter of diverted/cancelled public transport and road closures causing traffic jams.


SYP should put their foot down and insist that the game not be moved to the same day. It's safer to swap the game on Saturday that will be on Sky at lunchtime with the Sheffield derby. Sky still get to show both games and the police don't have to call in support from neighbouring police forces to cope.

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Thats going to be interesting, are they expecting the 10k to finish early or something?


Football traffic is going to be building from about 11ish, obviously there will be plenty of lads in the pubs all morning as well. Most of those folk are going to have to battle through people attending the 10k, it's just going to be a right old mess.


Very likely it'll be a sold-out game as well, 30+ thousand people will be trying to get to Hillsborough that morning.

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