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Learning to drive

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Not sure why you felt the need to mention the Niqāb. If the instructor is doing it wrong it matters not what he or she is wearing.


(Being devils advocate)


Yes it does matter if in order to establish qualifications (as others have mentioned) of the instructor requires photo ID

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we have just come down the outside lane at asda to find it blocked to one lane the car in front filtered over then as i was indicating to move over a red driving dynamics instructure female, blasts horn then starts doing a hand jive in the window with hands off the wheel , talk about be courteous to other drivers, but having looked at the reviews they have about poor service etc and never again dont use these im not surprised. i was going to thank her for letting me in but after that show of driving i dont think so

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Not sure why you felt the need to mention the Niqāb. If the instructor is doing it wrong it matters not what he or she is wearing.


I think that instructors are supposed to have photo ID ...the Niqab won't help very much with that.. only suggesting :)

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If all this thread refers to just one driving school, they offer an intensive crash course available on request. - For those who need to learn to drive quickly.


That's what it says!

Edited by Hopman
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I was waiting to join the St Mary's roundabout (near Waitrose) a few days ago. Just when I thought it was clear this small red hatchback came whizzing around the roundabout at high speed. If I said it was almost on 2 wheels I wouldn't be exaggerating by much. A female driver was in Muslim dress. And then, I noticed on the roof, a name of a driving school. "Madinah". If that's how the instructor drives then Allah pity any poor soul that learns to drive with her!:gag:


Funnily enough I was cut up quite badly by a Madinah driving school car! Didn't spot who was driving as I trying not to get side swiped.

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