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Stocksbridge bus service. Why so dire?


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Simple - trams are allowed around 6 minutes at the terminus between arrival and departure.


No change since early 00s that really says it all Stagecoach have sat back and done nothing. Most transport companies adjust their timetables to meet consumer needs/operational needs periodically


can not help feeling that Annie Bynnol and pushtotalk are Stagecoach employees as this sounds just like an operator led response trying to pull the wool


The idea that it will take 4-5 minutes extra if the tram waits for passengers when the bus is already in view is laughable

The yellow tram usually has 4 minutes not to loose it path at Hillsborough to the blue tram


A new development has been the early departure of trams (that is if they arrived on time) and Stagecoach have told me their trams are allowed to leave up to a minute early which only adds to customers anger when the driver can not be bothered to wait for them


It has often been said on the railway that they could provide a better service if their were no passengers and it would appear to be the same thinking here - lets run the trams for the benefit of the operator not the passengers


perhaps you should both head down to Middlewood and watch what happens and talk to regular travelers. Alternatively why not re brand and then no one would expect the bus and tram to link up with each other

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Simple - trams are allowed around 6 minutes at the terminus between arrival and departure.


No change since early 00s that really says it all Stagecoach have sat back and done nothing. Most transport companies adjust their timetables to meet consumer needs/operational needs periodically


can not help feeling that Annie Bynnol and pushtotalk are Stagecoach employees as this sounds just like an operator led response trying to pull the wool


The idea that it will take 4-5 minutes extra if the tram waits for passengers when the bus is already in view is laughable

The yellow tram usually has 4 minutes not to loose it path at Hillsborough to the blue tram


A new development has been the early departure of trams (that is if they arrived on time) and Stagecoach have told me their trams are allowed to leave up to a minute early which only adds to customers anger when the driver can not be bothered to wait for them


It has often been said on the railway that they could provide a better service if their were no passengers and it would appear to be the same thinking here - lets run the trams for the benefit of the operator not the passengers


perhaps you should both head down to Middlewood and watch what happens and talk to regular travelers. Alternatively why not re brand and then no one would expect the bus and tram to link up with each other


Changes are coming.

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To get to Oughtibridge from the leppings lane area in the evening we have to:-


Get a tram for one stop to the park and ride then get the SL1 bus, the cost and waiting for connection makes it silly


walk to the tram park and ride which is about 1/3 the distance to get the SL1 bus, might as well walk rest of way which is vetoed by h.w.m.b.o.:rant:, won't go socializing in walking shoes


Walk to the Hillsborough bus interchange to get the 57, same distance wrong direction plus could probably walk to Oughtibridge in time it takes bus to go all around the houses.


Get school bus from leppings at 8 in the morning sleep on coronation park bench until pub opens.


Get taxi - preferred and probably cheapest.

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Departure times for the tram are critical as they must arrive and depart the congestion critical bit between Shalesmoor, Cathedral and Park Square roundabout junction on time as it has the potential to impact on all three (four next year) routes. The Red route trams will have a critical appointment with the Signal Box operating the railway.

One event can magnify problems across the system delaying thousands.


The bus has no critical impact on other routes.


The buses are timed to arrive at Middlewood around 7 minutes before the departure of the tram.



Bus on time. Tram on time. A 6 minute wait in the tram.

Bus 2 minutes early. Previous Tram leaves leaves on time. Annoys bus users but they will not be late. All later tram users on time.

Bus arrives late. Tram departs on time. All later tram users on time. Bus users annoyed complain to Stagecoach Bus/SYPTE.

If the Tram is running late it must leave ASAP to meet its slot in the centre. Bus users annoyed because they think its their connection going early but they wont be late.


Some important reasons for having trams is capacity, relability and punctuality over that of buses which are far more flexible.


You make a good point for Stagecoach running the buses through to Sheffield, or at least Hillsborough, as you have said the tram is inflexible and waiting for fare paid passengers might affect the takings of other passengers later on the route.

Edited by nikki-red
fixed the quote
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Simple - trams are allowed around 6 minutes at the terminus between arrival and departure.


No change since early 00s that really says it all Stagecoach have sat back and done nothing. Most transport companies adjust their timetables to meet consumer needs/operational needs periodically


can not help feeling that Annie Bynnol and pushtotalk are Stagecoach employees as this sounds just like an operator led response trying to pull the wool


The idea that it will take 4-5 minutes extra if the tram waits for passengers when the bus is already in view is laughable

The yellow tram usually has 4 minutes not to loose it path at Hillsborough to the blue tram


A new development has been the early departure of trams (that is if they arrived on time) and Stagecoach have told me their trams are allowed to leave up to a minute early which only adds to customers anger when the driver can not be bothered to wait for them


It has often been said on the railway that they could provide a better service if their were no passengers and it would appear to be the same thinking here - lets run the trams for the benefit of the operator not the passengers


perhaps you should both head down to Middlewood and watch what happens and talk to regular travelers. Alternatively why not re brand and then no one would expect the bus and tram to link up with each other


During normal service trams depart every ten minutes and the bus arrive every 10 minutes. To maximise the possibility of walking onto a tram on bus arrival, the bus is timetabled to arrive about 7 minutes before tram departure.


It is not possible to run a city wide frequent tram service which is governed by tram departures based on the arrival of buses at Middlewood.


There have been many studies made on why heavily used bus frequencies become chaotic and result in them catching up with each other even when availability and road speed etc. are normal. There is no definitive solution, but you must prevent the knock on effect on the tram system which do not on the whole create their own chaos.


Modern integrated urban transport systems aim for a clockface timetable which has very many advantages for customer and operator. So when the bus arrives in Middlewood on time you know that you have a 5 minute wait on the tram before it leaves. If the bus is a little bit late you can still get on that tram. If the bus is even later you will have less than 10 minutes to wait.


Increased availability of new trams, increased maintenance of old trams and track, the need to add a tram route with critical time issues will all have an effect.


You cannot have a situation a situation like this where the yellow tram route times are effected by buses arriving late at Middlewood. The late yellow tram delays a red tram which arrives late at Rotherham delaying a Doncaster train which arrives at Swinton late which delays trains going to Leeds, Edinburgh, Bristol etc. This is of course a ridiculous but the same principle applies to me every time I combine a journey on public transport.

When I catch the SL1 from Oughtibridge, a yellow tram and then the 52/52a to Crookes I know that a late bus means a later tram and a later bus. If I work to that possibilty I don't get upset.


Frustrating as it is in seeing a tram leave when you are running late on Middlewood Road in normal running you will have less than 10 minutes to wait.


On the other hand:


When services are much less frequent or at the beginning or end of service then it should be an obligation on the operators of the bus and tram to run a guaranteed connection on penalty of finacial compensation and or a free taxi to take you to your destination as happens on the Railway. This will force both bus and tram operation a more reliable and resiliant service at these times.

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Simple - trams are allowed around 6 minutes at the terminus between arrival and departure.


No change since early 00s that really says it all Stagecoach have sat back and done nothing. Most transport companies adjust their timetables to meet consumer needs/operational needs periodically


can not help feeling that Annie Bynnol and pushtotalk are Stagecoach employees as this sounds just like an operator led response trying to pull the wool


The idea that it will take 4-5 minutes extra if the tram waits for passengers when the bus is already in view is laughable

The yellow tram usually has 4 minutes not to loose it path at Hillsborough to the blue tram


A new development has been the early departure of trams (that is if they arrived on time) and Stagecoach have told me their trams are allowed to leave up to a minute early which only adds to customers anger when the driver can not be bothered to wait for them


It has often been said on the railway that they could provide a better service if their were no passengers and it would appear to be the same thinking here - lets run the trams for the benefit of the operator not the passengers


perhaps you should both head down to Middlewood and watch what happens and talk to regular travelers. Alternatively why not re brand and then no one would expect the bus and tram to link up with each other



Someone comes across as embittered with an axe to grind

Edited by nikki-red
fixed the quote
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Wow once again we seem to be using the very late introduction of the tram train as an excuse for the last few years - this is not a recent issue but at least Stagecoach bus have now decided it is important and are trying to do something about it even if their colleagues on the tram side are not interested.


I am in this case not a fan of general fines for punctuality because too much is outside the control of the operators. However if arriving bus passenger can see the departing then there should perhaps be a financial penalty

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Wow once again we seem to be using the very late introduction of the tram train as an excuse for the last few years - this is not a recent issue but at least Stagecoach bus have now decided it is important and are trying to do something about it even if their colleagues on the tram side are not interested.


I am in this case not a fan of general fines for punctuality because too much is outside the control of the operators. However if arriving bus passenger can see the departing then there should perhaps be a financial penalty


The main problem is the SL1 and Tram is not a guaranteed connection. You should wait no more than 10 minutes, but with traffic and the way the buses seem to run around in pairs it is never the case.


This is why we need a more direct through service to Sheffield and Hillsborough which was my point all along.


A 15 minute combined 57/58 like we used to have, instead of the pointless 10 minute SL1/Tram combination with increased waiting at Middlewood.

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