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How do Sheffield road planners get it so wrong?


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thats a great idea. we would then have 3 lane wide car parks on Penistone road instead of 2 lanes


why cant you just understand, cars are the slowest, most inconvenient, and most poluting form of transport.


If you have 100 cars queuing in two lanes the tailback will obviously longer than having 100 cars queuing in three lanes , hence shorter queuing time.


more road capacity means less tailbacks.


Its hardly rocket science.

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That's correct. In England, box junctions and banned turns can only be enforced by camera in London


It struck me this morning, as I crossed the yellow box at the end of London Road on the ringroad, that it must have been put there by the council... and yet if they can't enforce it, then isn't it evidence of the council misusing road markings (again).


If they didn't put it there, then why is it there if it is not enforced... it's not as though it is monitored by the police or CCTV.


But... people adhere to it, no-one queued across it, unlike the pathetic 'keep clear' sign , so often hard to see at the Bramall Lane roundabout - hard to see because people ignore it and on't keep it clear.


Perhaps the council could learn from this...



Or not!

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How does making parking or driving more difficult increase revenue for parking services?


If that was the aim, they'd make it easier wouldn't they?


What exactly do you think is being done to make parking more difficult?


Are you for real? You seriously believe that increasing the demand and limiting the supply of something makes it cheaper?

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I work just of Herries Rd and travel quite a lot during the day and the one thing that really really baffles me is the idiotic timing / sensor issue with the junction of Herries Rd and Penistone Rd. 80% of the time, at any point during the working day the queue to turn right onto Herries Rd is right back almost to Hillsborough Park. the lights let 4 or 5 cars cross, then hold on red while NOTHING is coming along Penistone Rd heading into town. That and the road sign that COMPLETELY obscures the traffic light

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I've also said that I cycle most days to work.


I do however go to the climbing works twice a week, and the Dinnington area once a week.

Both in theory possible on public transport, I'll leave that as an exercise for you to work out how much of my life that would waste on every journey though.


Fair enough but that's one instance. There are many, many commutes in this city, generally those into the centre from the suburbs which could very easily be made on public transport.


It doesn't take much of a reduction in traffic volumes to allow the rest to flow much more easily.

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Are you for real? You seriously believe that increasing the demand and limiting the supply of something makes it cheaper?


I think you will need to spell out what your issue is, because you aren't explaining it very well.


Where did I say they made anything cheaper?


How does the council increase demand for driving or parking?


They certainly manage demand, but I don't see how they increase it?

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Fewer parking spaces and making them more difficult to drive to , increases demand


There are loads of parking spaces in town. For example, q park on arundel gate easily accessible from the ring road. Q park near ponds forge, just off park square roundabout. That large brown car park just off the moor opposite the fire station, loads of surface parking round sheffield hallam uni. Many many others.


Which of these do you not know how to reach from Hackenthorpe?

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