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Burglars won't leave us alone

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Yes physically fine thank you, it does have a psychological impact though, I'd never really even thought about being burgled never mind worried about it. Now I think about it all the time, I have actually done all the things I advised the op to do other than the sharks with lasers of course :hihi:


Do you think its worth hiding laptops, pcs and valuables in the loft whenever I leave the house?

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Do you think its worth hiding laptops, pcs and valuables in the loft whenever I leave the house?


I didn't go as far as hiding things in the loft, but I make sure the kids and my wife don't leave valuables on show, the kids kept leaving their ipads on the window ledge etc so anyone walking by could see. We don't do that anymore and I always close the blinds before bed or if we go out. Plus I have a very aggressive black cat :hihi:

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That sounds like a tall tale, anything to prove it actually happened??




Vast majority are.


Professional burglars are almost always after the keys to your car, as the vast majority of stuff in peoples homes isn't actually worth very much (and isn't easy to sell)

Those that break in to steal old laptops and spare change are just looking for their next fix.


Old people get targeted as they are known to keep large sums of money and expensive jewellery laying around the house.


On that note, are car theft/burglaries lower on terraced streets (compared to houses with driveways), since it's not easy to tell which car belongs to which house? Or do they lie in wait and watch to see who goes where?

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