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Burglars won't leave us alone

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People can be functioning members of society whilst also using drugs.

You probably manage it yourself, unless you don't drink beer or coffee or tea.


But the drugs mentioned isn't beer or caffine though overdoing beer and its quite difficult to function.

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Dont take it to heart Halibut, I post on here mainly with tongue in cheek :thumbsup:

I have never had a family member hooked on this crap but having been born and lived on a roughish council estate all my life it was inevitable many people I know have fallen foul of this stuff, also many people I know have had their lives ruined by other peoples addictions, I have seen addicts do terrible things to the people around them and throughout all that I have never seen them as anything other than troubled human beings.


Just to add that my flippant remarks on here are because I see the OP's post as a wind up.


Why would it be a wind up? I have to watch my back when I leave the house because of these toss*rs, don't have a car atm, afraid to leave the house, I have loads of my own problems and these retarted no hopers are trying to stop me from feeling safe in my own area.


I've contacted victim support! It's really affecting me. I feel like smashing there heads in but then I'd get in trouble.


They'll not get away with this. I'll see what victim support have to say.

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I know a few lads who are heroin addicts who hold down pretty decent jobs, are reliable and who are good at their respective jobs.


I dont think they are the people that this post is talking about, i know quite a few druggies, mention going to work getting up at 6am and getting back home at 5pm after a full days work for letts say £500 a weeks, they would smile at you and say not me mate.

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Just been quoted £10,000 - £25,000 for a guard dog. Jeez!


Is it made of gold?


Or by Apple?


---------- Post added 25-09-2017 at 12:44 ----------


I don't know of it actually happening but do know of a case where a burglary happened where a dog was on the premises. The burglar wasn't caught but a police officer told the home owner that the beware of the dog sign was an admission of a dangerous dog.


Not convinced by this thread, but there is some truth in this statement.


It's all based on the Occupiers Liability Act - the basic idea being that you are liable for any hazards that you know, or ought to know about.


Despite the myths, you aren't liable for snow, unless you've decided to clear it with water and created a skating rink.


You are however responsible if you have a dog you know to bite people and it does exactly that. It's not that simple of course. Burglars wouldn't be able to sue in those circumstances (they're committing a crime - defence of Volenti) and you've done what's reasonable in keeping the dog indoors.


The point the police tried to make was that if you had a dog that you knew was likely to bite, and it bit someone whilst you were walking it off the lead, then you'd have issues. Ditto if it bit the postie.

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