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Motor insurance claim question.


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Not sure that is always the case?


It has been the two times I've had to do it in the last five years. If you stand your ground, you realise they can't write it off and nor can they take it away to repair it or scrap it without your permission. It's your car, they have no rights to it. Your own insurance company has a lot more rights to your car, because you've signed a contract in some form that gives them those rights.


The value you get to repair it will be no different than the value they would give if they wrote it off - possibly less as they start dithering over salvage value - but you can avoid it ever actually being written off.


The last claim I made through a third party ended up with them giving me the write off value minus salvage, which meant I repaired the car, made a profit and it never went on the register. The only drawback is you need to be prepared to fight your corner and it take a bit longer which isn't always worth it depending upon the car.

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We reported this incident to our insurance co on Monday afternoon, our vehicle was collected for repair on Tuesday, it’s now Friday lunchtime, and we’re still without a courtesy car.


Is this normal for insurance company to drag their feet like this? What recourse do we have? Any suggestions appreciated, thanks.

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We reported this incident to our insurance co on Monday afternoon, our vehicle was collected for repair on Tuesday, it’s now Friday lunchtime, and we’re still without a courtesy car.


Is this normal for insurance company to drag their feet like this? What recourse do we have? Any suggestions appreciated, thanks.



Seem to be dragging their feet a bit there.


My last accident happened on a Sunday afternoon, insurance arranged recovery back to home (60+ mile journey) of car (and me) that afternoon. Had also arranged transport of car to repair garage and courtesy car for Monday. At 10.00 Monday morning a low loader turned up with courtesy car on back, dropped courtesy car off and took mine off to garage. I may have been lucky but full marks to insurance.


Hope you get sorted out soon :thumbsup:

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Your own insurance is supposed to be providing the courtesy car? If so, what do they give as the reason they haven't done so?


They're just delaying and giving frivolous reasons. Takes 30 mins to get through to them on the phone (brilliant if you've just had an accident and are stranded and need help), so, frustration-ville.


Will be making several posts across various social medial (honestly) detailing their shoddy behaviour.


Oh, latest is they can't sort out courtesy car till Monday because they're working to opening times of car hire company, Enterprise; which I imagine any car hire company would work over a weekend, so possibly they're just lying, delaying again...

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