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Goodbye to Uber??

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My wife and I recently caught a black cab in London the fare was £23. The following day we called an Uber taxi the journey was about the same distance and it cost £7. It seems to me that TFL have given in to vested interests and not the publics.


Do you think those cheap taxi fares are sustainable? I don't.


If Uber's artificially-low prices put all other taxi firms out of business and Uber become a monopoly, that taxi fare won't stay £7 for long.


And I'm not sure how much of that £7 made its way to the driver. Can a taxi driver make a living with those low prices?

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Do you think those cheap taxi fares are sustainable? I don't.


If Uber's artificially-low prices put all other taxi firms out of business and Uber become a monopoly, that taxi fare won't stay £7 for long.



That does appear to be their business model. They are operating at a huge loss so there is no way the fares can not rise, otherwise their creditors will pull the plug on them.

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Do you think those cheap taxi fares are sustainable? I don't.


If Uber's artificially-low prices put all other taxi firms out of business and Uber become a monopoly, that taxi fare won't stay £7 for long.


And I'm not sure how much of that £7 made its way to the driver. Can a taxi driver make a living with those low prices?


Why dont you take time to find out? How much of each job goes to minicab drivers after they take off their radio rental fees? How much of each job goes to black cabbies after they pay their fees (well...what they choose to declare anyway)?


Its just competition. Something we have been desprately in need of to give the closed shop taxi mafia a kick.


Maybe, Uber would raise their prices when they take over a town but then Lyft or RideYellow or Curb or Hailo will come along with lower prices and suddenly Uber have to compete. Just like in the rest of the business world.


We should be able to choose whether we wish to use a ride share service or not. We should have freedom of choice as to what transport means we like.


I have no problem with a uniform set of safety standards which ALL companies comply with. However, that's not what I believe has happened here. To me, they have thrown mud at Uber since day one. They have repeatedly and excessively dragged their name through Parliament, Regulators and Lawyers in attempts to destroy the app without any justified reasons or even knowledge of how it operates.


The politicans can say whatever guff they want, but one thing is very clear, their hypocracy. After all, for all the criticism at Uber, your averge Minicab certainly doesnt meet the exceptional standards our leaders try and get you to believe. Funny how they are perfectly fine eh?


Even the stats show that when nasty stuff has happened its been involving far far more NON-Uber drivers.


Uber are a square peg which has been well and truely forced into a round hole. In typical political style rather than modernise the regulations they get forced into impossible positions, heavilly criticised and hounded out.


Good job that the majority real world population are a little bit more forward thinking. Ride sharing is not going to go away. Time for the taxi trade to drag themselves into the 21st century.

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Why dont you take time to find out? How much of each job goes to minicab drivers after they take off their radio rental fees? How much of each job goes to black cabbies after they pay their fees (well...what they choose to declare anyway)?


Its just competition. Something we have been desprately in need of to give the closed shop taxi mafia a kick.


Maybe, Uber would raise their prices when they take over a town but then Lyft or RideYellow or Curb or Hailo will come along with lower prices and suddenly Uber have to compete. Just like in the rest of the business world.


We should be able to choose whether we wish to use a ride share service or not. We should have freedom of choice as to what transport means we like.


I have no problem with a uniform set of safety standards which ALL companies comply with. However, that's not what I believe has happened here. To me, they have thrown mud at Uber since day one. They have repeatedly and excessively dragged their name through Parliament, Regulators and Lawyers in attempts to destroy the app without any justified reasons or even knowledge of how it operates.


The politicans can say whatever guff they want, but one thing is very clear, their hypocracy. After all, for all the criticism at Uber, your averge Minicab certainly doesnt meet the exceptional standards our leaders try and get you to believe. Funny how they are perfectly fine eh?


Even the stats show that when nasty stuff has happened its been involving far far more NON-Uber drivers.


Uber are a square peg which has been well and truely forced into a round hole. In typical political style rather than modernise the regulations they get forced into impossible positions, heavilly criticised and hounded out.


Good job that the majority real world population are a little bit more forward thinking. Ride sharing is not going to go away. Time for the taxi trade to drag themselves into the 21st century.


I'm sure you've told us your a Lawyer, are you on Ubers payroll?

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Do you think those cheap taxi fares are sustainable? I don't.


If Uber's artificially-low prices put all other taxi firms out of business and Uber become a monopoly, that taxi fare won't stay £7 for long.


And I'm not sure how much of that £7 made its way to the driver. Can a taxi driver make a living with those low prices?

One of the drivers did say he has to put a lot of hours in to make a living.

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