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What's the point of dogpoo bags..


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if the dog owners then sling the bags into the hedgerow? A small group of us have been helping clear a bridle path/footpath; cutting back brambles, clipping, and generally making the path nice to use. However we were dismayed by the number of filled, sealed and thrown into the hedgerow poo bags, when, for heaven's sake, there is a proper dog poo bin at the end of the footpath?

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The dog poo bags are only used if the dog owner thinks someone is watching them and may report it to the authorities if they just walk off. Take note, the dog owner takes a good look around to see if anyone is watching ... if they think the coast is clear they just walk off and leave it ... if not they pick it up and when the coast is clear chuck into the nearest hedgerow or hang it on a tree. A £250 a year per dog, licence, would fund the clearing up of this menace. It wouldn't be so bad if the authorities emptied the red bins occasionally

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The dog poo bags are only used if the dog owner thinks someone is watching them and may report it to the authorities if they just walk off. Take note, the dog owner takes a good look around to see if anyone is watching ... if they think the coast is clear they just walk off and leave it ... if not they pick it up and when the coast is clear chuck into the nearest hedgerow or hang it on a tree. A £250 a year per dog, licence, would fund the clearing up of this menace. It wouldn't be so bad if the authorities emptied the red bins occasionally


I second that.


However the law states clean it up - not take it home. Once its bagged it becomes litter, just like the rest of the litter the op will have been cleaning up.

Dog owners are forced to use dog bags,when the most hygienic and environmentally friendly way is to leave it.

Failing that biodegradable dog bags should be cheaper to buy, they cost me £10 a time compared to the few pence for nappy bag alternatives.

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Quote. " Dog owners are forced to use dog bags,when the most hygienic and environmentally friendly way is to leave it."


Not when you stand in it or transport it to your car or house.


If your dog Poo's anywhere pick it up and put it into a bin, we always did. Dog passed

away Dec 2016 and we still miss him. Big Newfie called Hagrid hence the User Name.

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Quote. " Dog owners are forced to use dog bags,when the most hygienic and environmentally friendly way is to leave it."


Not when you stand in it or transport it to your car or house.


If your dog Poo's anywhere pick it up and put it into a bin, we always did. Dog passed

away Dec 2016 and we still miss him. Big Newfie called Hagrid hence the User Name.



Im so sorry you lost your boy, Newfoundlands are beautiful dogs.


I always pick up after my dog, but its so annoying when you have to dodge a load more piles to get to your own dogs. Ive often wondered if just picking up the nearest would even it out!

I also agree with an earlier point, the poo bins in the park near us are always overflowing. Carrying it around with you is not ideal but Id never just dump it somewhere.

Edited by nikki-red
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There are no bad dogs, but loads of bad owners, up our way they decorate the

trees with the poo bags.


Stop talking nonsense, of course there are bad dogs, on the matter of dog fouling however then its 100% down to the owner, anyone who cannot adequately clean up after their dogs shouldnt be allowed to have one....ever.

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The dog poo bags are only used if the dog owner thinks someone is watching them and may report it to the authorities if they just walk off. Take note, the dog owner takes a good look around to see if anyone is watching ... if they think the coast is clear they just walk off and leave it ... if not they pick it up and when the coast is clear chuck into the nearest hedgerow or hang it on a tree. A £250 a year per dog, licence, would fund the clearing up of this menace. It wouldn't be so bad if the authorities emptied the red bins occasionally


My dog poo bags are used all the time,your saying should say a lot are only used if someone's watching,putting them in a bag and hanging it or slinging it is worst than leaving it,the hard work of picking it up is done so put it in a bin.

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There's a spare bit of land on our estate where all the dog owners take there dogs for a crap every day, because it's out off the way I don't think anyone picks there dog **** up its got to be a health risk on there, until the council start to give big fines out name n shame the owners who don't clean up ban them from having pets


I know it's not the dogs fault but we need to get tougher it's not acceptable

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Quote. " Dog owners are forced to use dog bags,when the most hygienic and environmentally friendly way is to leave it."


Not when you stand in it or transport it to your car or house.


If your dog Poo's anywhere pick it up and put it into a bin, we always did. Dog passed

away Dec 2016 and we still miss him. Big Newfie called Hagrid hence the User Name.


Still doesn't change the fact that picking up poo and placing it in a bin is more environmentally damaging than walking in it.

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