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What's the point of dogpoo bags..


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Still doesn't change the fact that picking up poo and placing it in a bin is more environmentally damaging than walking in it.


Still doesnt change the fact that people generally dont care, its the lesser of two evils as far as the general population are concerned.


---------- Post added 24-09-2017 at 11:17 ----------


Quote. " Dog owners are forced to use dog bags,when the most hygienic and environmentally friendly way is to leave it."


Not when you stand in it or transport it to your car or house.


If your dog Poo's anywhere pick it up and put it into a bin, we always did. Dog passed

away Dec 2016 and we still miss him. Big Newfie called Hagrid hence the User Name.


I remember many moons ago when someone kept letting their dog crap at the top of my footpath, luckily I never transported any of it into my house or car, I did however transport one of its turds three roads away, I then transported it down their path, then it was transported on to their own doorstep, about a kilo of it, it did the trick.

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I second that.


However the law states clean it up - not take it home. Once its bagged it becomes litter, just like the rest of the litter the op will have been cleaning up.

Dog owners are forced to use dog bags,when the most hygienic and environmentally friendly way is to leave it.

Failing that biodegradable dog bags should be cheaper to buy, they cost me £10 a time compared to the few pence for nappy bag alternatives.


We buy the eco ones too - either have to order them off amazon or if we're lucky buy them from TK Maxx but we always clean up after our dog. always. even when she's done the vilest most explosively disgusting evacuation, lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Action for Stannington bought 160,000 poo bags this year which we then distributed to 5 outlets in the area. We will probably end up buying more next year so either more dogs are coming in to the area or the message is getting through.


The path behind my garden had several bags of dog poo lobbed in to the bushes and trees and somebody dragged them all out on to the path and made a small pile of the dozen or so bags. As these disintegrated and leaked on to the path it must have embarrassed the dog owners responsible as there were no more for nearly two years. They've just started to reappear so the poo pixie may have to venture out again.

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Guest makapaka

Should just bring in licensing for dogs and charge people a yearly fee for the license for each dog they own.


Use the money to clear up dog mess, support abandoned dogs etc etc

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