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Cycling on pavements

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Proper cyclist attitude that - “I ring the bell, so I call the shots”, or as that famous cyclist guy Cicero in the olden days put it – “Ringo, ergo sum”. Well I got news for you bike yobs. It doesn’t work with me and do you wanna know why? GOT IPOD ON! Also, calling people 'twerps' just shows true rudeness in my book.


You've completely failed to understand my point. The ring is just polite request to come past. Your perception is that it is some kind of rudeness and so you respond with rudeness. The only rude person is you. We live in a crowded world. Sometimes we do need to move to allow someone else to come past. You are the obnoxious arrogant one for not moving. Its a dog in manger situation. I hate cyclists so I won't move even though me moving is no big deal.


My other point is you assume cyclists are twerps but twerps exist regardless of mode of transport (in your case foot). There is the same percentage of cyclists who are twerps as pedestrians who are twerps. the pedestrian in my example was a twerp - he definitely was being rude but wasn't on a bike.

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There seems to have been a few accidents lately just found this link.

I definitely feel that cycling should be banned where parts of the city have been pedestrianised.




Because that encourages people out of their cars, banning bikes from parts of the city! :huh:


---------- Post added 28-09-2017 at 09:43 ----------


There seems to have been a few accidents lately just found this link.

I definitely feel that cycling should be banned where parts of the city have been pedestrianised.




Is it ironic that the story you quote isn't about a pedestrianised area?


And also


There is no indication at this stage that the cyclist involved in the incident was in any way at fault for the collision.


So you managed to get from a non cyclist fault collision on the road, to cyclists should be banned in pedestrianised areas. Can you walk me through that logic?

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Amusing incident this morning at crossing outside SHU, lights at red green man lit, cyclist crossing on bike, all fine. Cyclist comes on road and proceeds to go through said red light nearly hitting the crossing cyclist. There than ensued a right old slanging match which thoroughly entertained me and others around. :)


If either of you are reading this can I thank you for really making my day :)


and here is an example of a twerp on a bike. They definitely do exist but non twerps on bikes also exist. also twerps not on bikes and non twerps not on bikes too.

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You've completely failed to understand my point. The ring is just polite request to come past. Your perception is that it is some kind of rudeness and so you respond with rudeness. The only rude person is you. We live in a crowded world. Sometimes we do need to move to allow someone else to come past. You are the obnoxious arrogant one for not moving. Its a dog in manger situation. I hate cyclists so I won't move even though me moving is no big deal.


Timmy, ohmygod is a troll, he doesn't make any serious posts, don't bother responding to him.

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Timmy, ohmygod is a troll, he doesn't make any serious posts, don't bother responding to him.


I know this really. I just needed some typing practice. Mind you really does it matter? He writes crap, I write crap. Crap is written that much is true, whether intentional crap or otherwise. I like ranting about stuff, he likes making other people rant. Its a mutually beneficial scenario.

Edited by TimmyR
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Timmy, ohmygod is a troll, he doesn't make any serious posts, don't bother responding to him.

Hey. Don’t you go telling people who to talk to and who not to talk to. Typical playground bully you aren’t you. Zip it pal.


My other point is you assume cyclists are twerps but twerps exist regardless of mode of transport (in your case foot)

Segway actually pal.

Edited by ohmyword
I swore in anger!
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There seems to have been a few accidents lately just found this link.

I definitely feel that cycling should be banned where parts of the city have been pedestrianised.




Two people killed in collision with cyclists this year in London AFAIK. Seven cyclists killed by motor vehicles.


MP's getting all excited about one lot of deaths, and not in the least bit interested in the other lot.

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Segway actually pal.


Well I hope you've got a bell. Segway users are all the same, kings of the roads in their minds. They should pay road tax and have a licence and insurance and be forced to eat jelly until they're sorry.


---------- Post added 28-09-2017 at 11:41 ----------


Driving on the pavement is illegal too. Both drivers and cyclist ignore the law; the police ignore it too. Perhaps the law needs changing to reflect this?


The law should reflect what is safest for all people so if allowing cyclists on the pavements makes people in general safer then it should be changed

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