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Cycling on pavements

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Another day and another idiot in a car. This time they can't see me doing 35kph down the road and so they pull out. I have to swerve and overtake them (or do an emergency stop, which may not have been in time).

See youtube for the video.

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Another day and another idiot in a car. This time they can't see me doing 35kph down the road and so they pull out. I have to swerve and overtake them (or do an emergency stop, which may not have been in time).

See youtube for the video.


This thread is about cycling on the pavement.

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It's the most recent cycling thread. I suppose I could have started a new one, but I didn't, I guess you'll have to live with it.


I was being metaphorical.


Unsurprisingly, you missed it and took me literally.


Ah, well...

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Really, I'm sure you can explain what the metaphor was.


I'll give you this as a bonus





a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

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Really, I'm sure you can explain what the metaphor was.


I'll give you this as a bonus


I'll leave you to think about a comment about a post in the wrong place, on a thread about machines and their users being in the wrong place.


Get back to me when you have an answer.

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OK, I'll probably get shot down in flames for this BUT, there are times when it's best for the cyclist to use the pavement. I cycle most days from Malin Bridge to Catcliffe and do so at certain places. It's better/safer for me and makes it easier for the motorist. I saw a perfect example of this today while driving a van. A chap on a road bike going from Beighton up the main road towards Woodhouse on the road ( as he should be you all will probably cry). He was completely oblivious to the tail back behind him, unable to pass due to oncoming traffic . There was a perfectly usable pedestrian free path which I would have definitely been on in that situation ensuring my safety and speedy progress for the traffic. On the continent in places like Ghent, Brugge, Amsterdam etc that's how it works. And for what it's worth, I honestly believe that the biggest danger on our roads today is the texting driver.

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