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Why are people always quick to put the blame on someone ? As sad as this case is , I would've thought that this young man wouldn't have been happy with someone watching him have a bath


Right to dignity and privacy.


Capacity to make decisions.


Risk-assessments and support plan/s.

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Right to dignity and privacy.


Capacity to make decisions.


Risk-assessments and support plan/s.


I understand all those things but it just irks me that in this day and age , it seems that its always someone to blame.

just to add I know there is a duty of care but does that count for every minute of every day . I will leave this now and I am sorry if anyone is upset with my thoughts

Edited by hackey lad
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I understand all those things but it just irks me that in this day and age , it seems that its always someone to blame.

just to add I know there is a duty of care but does that count for every minute of every day . I will leave this now and I am sorry if anyone is upset with my thoughts


It's ok hackey lad. You've not upset anyone.


You're right though. We can't protect people every minute of the day.

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It's ok hackey lad. You've not upset anyone.


You're right though. We can't protect people every minute of the day.


I would want to ask precisely who is protecting who?


Sheffield City Council will shield its staff and its contractors from all accountability. There are revolving doors between local authorities for culpable managers when scandals are exposed. Similarly there are revolving doors for managers between Sheffield City Council and their contractors, it's a cosy club. There is shocking incompetence, cynical indifference and determined cover-up at every turn within Learning Disabilities and Social Care. Those who suffer have no redress. Families whose loved ones are harmed are treated with contempt and suffer a carefully calibrated process of hostility and vilification.

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There is shocking incompetence, cynical indifference and determined cover-up at every turn within Learning Disabilities and Social Care. Those who suffer have no redress. Families whose loved ones are harmed are treated with contempt and suffer a carefully calibrated process of hostility and vilification.


Have you a real example of this, or are you just making it up? My other half has worked in social care (particularly with adults with learning disabilities) for over 10 years and whilst SCC may be useless with money I can assure you that when it comes to client care they run a very tight ship with little room for error. I presume that you have put forward any evidence of mismanagement of client care to a body like the CQC?

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Have you a real example of this, or are you just making it up? My other half has worked in social care (particularly with adults with learning disabilities) for over 10 years and whilst SCC may be useless with money I can assure you that when it comes to client care they run a very tight ship with little room for error. I presume that you have put forward any evidence of mismanagement of client care to a body like the CQC?


The Care Quality Commission (CQC) are not interested in individual cases – they will not investigate. They assure that the substance of any negative reports about a care provider are taken into account in any subsequent inspection, but there is no evidence that this actually happens. They state that they may get in touch with a complainant, but it never happens.


Care homes simply deregister (transforming the residents in their care into tenants) and that means that the CQC cannot make unannounced visits to the property. They may write to a tenant seeking to arrange a visit, but of course people in care due to learning disability usually lack mental capacity, and their post is therefore invariably handled by the property's manager, so in the bin it goes. All very convenient isn't it?


CQC can and do visit the head offices of care providers, but the management of such providers are adept at keeping everything in order on paper, hiding the catalogue of complaints, etc.


And, oh dear, there is a revolving door between Sheffield City Council and the CQC – it really is all very cosy isn't it?


And don't even think of approaching the Ombudsman's office. Neglect? Serious harm? They are just not interested.


Try and get the Social Worker to take action in the case of anything from ongoing risk to actual harm and they seem incapable of speech. They are good at doing (and not doing) what their managers want them to do (or not to do). Nothing is reported. In an emergency there may be one of those safeguarding meetings held in secret that finds that nothing is wrong. Such meetings are just an exercise in covering backs and doctoring the evidence. And your relative has suffered neglect or harm. Well, that is sad. 'We are sorry' they'll say. 'Lessons will be learned'.


Families here in Sheffield have exhausted themselves and rapidly sink into despair when seeking to get even basic care appropriately discharged. Of course they do – that's the plan at SCC. Serious complaints are sat on by Sheffield City Council senior management. They go nowhere, and the scandal continues.


No-one is held accountable.


Contractors know they are safe to go on failing to keep their tenants from harm, failing to provide even basic care in a timely and professional manner. They are incompetent, vicious and corrupt.


The serious harm continues. The disgrace, the failure, the vilification of families goes on as a matter of routine. And managers at Sheffield City Council keep pocketing their fat salaries. What they will not do is allow themselves to be held accountable.

Edited by Staunton
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The Care Quality Commission (CQC) are not interested in individual cases – they will not investigate. They assure that the substance of any negative reports about a care provider are taken into account in any subsequent inspection, but there is no evidence that this actually happens. They state that they may get in touch with a complainant, but it never happens.


Care homes simply deregister (transforming the residents in their care into tenants) and that means that the CQC cannot make unannounced visits to the property. They may write to a tenant seeking to arrange a visit, but of course people in care due to learning disability usually lack mental capacity, and their post is therefore invariably handled by the property's manager, so in the bin it goes. All very convenient isn't it?


CQC can and do visit the head offices of care providers, but the management of such providers are adept at keeping everything in order on paper, hiding the catalogue of complaints, etc.


And, oh dear, there is a revolving door between Sheffield City Council and the CQC – it really is all very cosy isn't it?


And don't even think of approaching the Ombudsman's office. Neglect? Serious harm? They are just not interested.


Try and get the Social Worker to take action in the case of anything from ongoing risk to actual harm and they seem incapable of speech. They are good at doing (and not doing) what their managers want them to do (or not to do). Nothing is reported. In an emergency there may be one of those safeguarding meetings held in secret that finds that nothing is wrong. Such meetings are just an exercise in covering backs and doctoring the evidence. And your relative has suffered neglect or harm. Well, that is sad. 'We are sorry' they'll say. 'Lessons will be learned'.


Families here in Sheffield have exhausted themselves and rapidly sink into despair when seeking to get even basic care appropriately discharged. Of course they do – that's the plan at SCC. Serious complaints are sat on by Sheffield City Council senior management. They go nowhere, and the scandal continues.


No-one is held accountable.


Contractors know they are safe to go on failing to keep their tenants from harm, failing to provide even basic care in a timely and professional manner. They are incompetent, vicious and corrupt.


The serious harm continues. The disgrace, the failure, the vilification of families goes on as a matter of routine. And managers at Sheffield City Council keep pocketing their fat salaries. What they will not do is allow themselves to be held accountable.


Have you taken these accusations/ concerns to anyone of authority ?

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Have you a real example of this, or are you just making it up? My other half has worked in social care (particularly with adults with learning disabilities) for over 10 years and whilst SCC may be useless with money I can assure you that when it comes to client care they run a very tight ship with little room for error. I presume that you have put forward any evidence of mismanagement of client care to a body like the CQC?


How can you reassure us that SCC runs a very tight ship with little room for error? That is just “words” and is simply not the case! Having said that, I hope your other half is doing fantastic work and is lucky enough to be involved somewhere that does have good practice. SCC would certainly like the general public to believe that the more vulnerable members of our society are safe in their hands but it’s not true. A care home for people with learning disabilities was closed down in recent months in Sheffield after the CQC had rated it inadequate since 2014 (for very good reason!). It had not even had a registered manager since 2011! It is a basic condition of a care home to be registered with the CQC and have a registered manager. That is not Sheffield running a tight ship! Sheffield do not attempt to listen to real stories from real family carers and assume that a company saying they have received no complaints is a company that has received no complaints!


And Staunton is correct about individuals who live in their own homes (which includes living in homes that have deregistered and given their residents a tenancy of their own bedroom). The CQC can’t inspect where they live. They go to the support provider’s main office and ask the managers to fill in self-assessment forms. They might even ask to speak with a client….or two. Someone talkative and cheerful might get presented to chat to them. They will say everything is great, possibly because someone is showing an interest in them at that moment in time. But do the clients or families who complain and/or families of clients who can not speak for themselves ever get that call? No.


The CQC only generally do bad inspection reports when the evidence is building up so much from random and rare sources - eg exposure on TV or there are too many news stories about for example the number of patients in a hospital resorting to drinking out of vases of flowers so as not to die of thirst - that they are best to look like they were challenging the service all along. Things only hit TV by lots of work, lots of luck and if the bad stuff is juicy enough. It's rare. But absolutety loads of bad stuff goes on under the radar that is mundane and ordinary and complex but lifelong and crap, but won’t make an exciting show on telly. The Sara Ryans and Mark Nearys of this world that manage to get their stories out there are very rare indeed and usually suffer massively along the way.


Anyway, the CQC website is clear that "If you've experienced or seen poor care, you have a right to feed back or complain to the organisation that provided or paid for the care. We can’t make these complaints for you or take them up on your behalf. That may seem confusing but it's because we don't have powers to investigate or resolve them." The CQC's toothless light touch methods are not well understood. We just assume they are watching over our care system, keeping us safe. They are not. They have been chaotic and ineffective from their beginnings. They have lied to parliament! Winterbourne was a huge media case. Panorama exposed the terrible abuse of adults with learning disabilities. The CQC did nothing to expose it. They admitted they had ignored a whistleblower.


There are many examples of people with learning disabilities and their families being treated terribly. You’ll not hear many of the examples as lots of people simply have no voice. Many family carers dare not speak out for fear of repurcussions and for fear of upsetting frontline workers who invariably cop for any of the flack when it is not them but resources and good robust fair management supervision and support that is lacking. Those who do speak up for themselves or have family to speak up for them will be stonewalled and isolated by management.


Sheffield has a tight ship on covering up and putting fear in families who rely on them for support.

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Unlikely, that's why doctors and hospitals have insurance or things like this.


Insurance is for civil suits, not criminal. It is about time people realised that their actions or inaction have consequences.

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