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Over rated products.

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Have you ever bought anything that you thought was over raited making you disappointed in it ? Either foodstuffs or household goods, even cars.

My biggest disappointments were :

Werthers Original toffees. They were much smaller than expected and difficult to suck on.

Also I've never understood why people go mad on Hendersons relish. It doesn't seem anything out of the ordinary to me. Maybe it's like the story of the king who had no clothes on ! We feel we have to praise it when it's no different to other relishes.

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RE:Henderson's Relish


I agree, it's tasteless, and thin, you need to put nearly a full bottle on your pie (or chips) to get even a hint of flavour, and on chips, the damn stuff just runs off into a puddle on the plate!



I MUCH Prefer Lea & Perrins myself.

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