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Mass shooting at Las Vegas music festival

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the usa is awash with guns I think it would be a hard slog just to ban semi automatic weapons. which wouldn't be very effective unless you confiscated them which I doubt would ever happen.


Here is the reason that military kinds of guns will never be banned in the states. Knob Creek shoot.




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unfortunately just banning things is not the answer too simplistic, you cant legislate for a nutter or terrorist, anyone can hire or drive a car or lorry and inflict hundreds of casualties and death, fly a plane into a building, bomb a marathon plus many other ways to inflict injury and death on a wholesale basis, just think about it seriously if you really wanted to hurt a lot of people??? and had no care of consequences? i get it that you dont like guns fair enough.

what do i propose?? far stricter government watching of extremists and people that view and interact with contacts & material online for a start, not perfect but its a start. maybe that wouldn't catch all but it may put some off.


---------- Post added 05-10-2017 at 18:29 ----------



nice emojis, is it wine time?:thumbsup:


Are you stupid or ignorant? Genuine question.


Dunblane massacre happened. Handguns banned in 1997. How many mass shootings has this country had since?


As you can see, bans obviously don’t work :loopy:

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Are you stupid or ignorant? Genuine question.


Dunblane massacre happened. Handguns banned in 1997. How many mass shootings has this country had since?


As you can see, bans obviously don’t work :loopy:


But there are more illegal handguns available now . Banning legally held handguns obviously didn't work

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so why ban legally held weapons , which were owned by responsible owners ?


By reducing the number of ALL weapons available that could be used for crime.


Simple maths really, the less there are, the lower the probability it will be used for shootings.


Here is another example



The entire arguement that gun control doesn't work is total garbage.

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so why ban legally held weapons , which were owned by responsible owners ?


Not sure if serious?


How many mass shootings (if you've been paying attention the answer is out of a total of three) in this country have involved illegal firearms?


Have a google.


The number of murders where a gun was used in the uk was 26. A lot less than the slightly amusingly named "hitting" which was second behind sharp objects.




Have a read.


It might **** off a few people, confuse many more Americans (who think we're mad for giving away our "rights" to defend ourselves) but we've got gun control about right I reckon.

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