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When did you last hit someone and why?

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Like the title says. For me it was about 40 years ago at school - a younger kid (who fancied himself as a bit of a hard case) pushed into the dinner queue and I lost my temper with him in a big way. A dinner lady broke it up, but I remained white-knuckle angry over dinner, then found him afterwards and punched him to the ground. I think he had a nosebleed. I realised later I'd damaged my hand and a trip to A and E revealed a boxer's fracture to one of my knuckles.


When was it for you? Why? How did you feel afterwards?


(I felt pretty rubbish.)

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Occasionally at training someone gets punched, but whilst with speed, it's normally pulled as much as possible and the intent is different.

When I last punched someone with malice was probably approaching 20 years ago when in the Roxy.

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Occasionally at training someone gets punched, but whilst with speed, it's normally pulled as much as possible and the intent is different.

When I last punched someone with malice was probably approaching 20 years ago when in the Roxy.


I'd like to think you'd have a pretty high violence threshold, Cyclone.

What did he do?

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Sounds fair. Out of interest, which martial art do you practice?


Karate since 1973, not trained seriously for last two years due to injury but ok now so raring to go. Have crossed trained in aikido, judo, Lau Gar briefly, ju jitsu. Funny I’ve always enjoyed sport karate, which earned me a broken nose for Xmas 2016, ( made beautiful again under anaesthetic) but I would say i’m mid-way between traditional karate and sport karate, the sparring really.

I practised GoJu Ryu for quite some time and enjoyed the contact element

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24 years ago, I was 16 and attacked by local bully.

Broke his nose and shut his eye. I felt really bad, even it was in self defense. Nothing after that.

I trained judo for years, but I consider violence very last option.

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