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When did you last hit someone and why?

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Occasionally at training someone gets punched, but whilst with speed, it's normally pulled as much as possible and the intent is different.

When I last punched someone with malice was probably approaching 20 years ago when in the Roxy.





Bloody Roxys.


Aye, last time for me. Walked in with a girl where we headed upstairs and bumped into her ex who decided he wanted her back. She wasn't interested and he wasn't happy, but then turned his annoyance on me and started that little bouncing up and down footy thugs do in front of his pals. I knew he was preparing to hit me, so, I punched him once and he was stone cold out. The bouncers were quick on the scene and decided I was the bad boy and I got a whack to my lughole and thrown out.:mad:


As an aside...Best to walk away if one can't diffuse the situation. I'd lose registration for Scottish managers if I got a police record and lose my job.

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Why interesting? Because violence is a major issue in the world, because otherwise good people sometimes commit acts of violence, because other peoples attitudes interest me - it's a long list...
Why ask for personal accounts, when you could just as well post a topic more reflective of what you wish to discuss?


Violence is as inherent to homo sapiens as speech, gesture and so many other forms of expression, and always has been: it's animalistic, and can be manifested even when not learned (consider an infant throwing toys about).


Short of genetic manipulation or rigid conditioning from birth (...and even then), you will never eradicate it.


Martial arts training (of the type discussed so far) teaches how to use controlled violence in defence (bearing in mind at all times that offence can be a perfectly legitimate form of defence, conditions-dependent).


Violence is no more of an issue in the world today, than it was 100 years ago or 1000 years ago. If anything, it's far less so nowadays (all things in proportion and considered).

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A few nights ago but in self defence ,I'd parked up at services and some other driver demanded I move so his mate could park next to him .when I refused he throw a punch so I retaliated . Things like this example are on the increase in truck stops /lay-bys

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Why ask for personal accounts, when you could just as well post a topic more reflective of what you wish to discuss?


Why not ask for personal accounts? I'm interested in people's personal experiences of inflicting violence on others.


Violence is as inherent to homo sapiens as speech, gesture and so many other forms of expression, and always has been: it's animalistic, and can be manifested even when not learned (consider an infant throwing toys about).


Short of genetic manipulation or rigid conditioning from birth (...and even then), you will never eradicate it.


Martial arts training (of the type discussed so far) teaches how to use controlled violence in defence (bearing in mind at all times that offence can be a perfectly legitimate form of defence, conditions-dependent).


Violence is no more of an issue in the world today, than it was 100 years ago or 1000 years ago. If anything, it's far less so nowadays (all things in proportion and considered).


The rest of what you say is all good stuff and for the most part I take no issue with it. I reluctantly agree that we'll never eradicate it, but I think we could do a great deal more to reduce it.


---------- Post added 04-10-2017 at 17:52 ----------


No need to be rude.


Read the whole conversation - Ridgewalk clearly threw his toys out the pram. Forgive me if I'm less than sympathetic.

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I have only ever punched one person. I was at night school at the old Loxley college, and a bloke followed me to the bus stop and propositioned me. When I told him I wasn't interested, he grabbed hold of me. I punched him in the face as hard as I could and walked off. He didn't follow. When I got on the bus, my hand had blood on, so I hope I did him some damage.


I reported the incident to the college the next day, and was told "yes, we've had that happen a few times. Never mind". :rolleyes: I should have rung the police really.

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I'll try not to cry too much.



Deary me, such an aggressive attitude :hihi:


No wonder you ruminated over another child stepping over a line that you considered unacceptable and sought him out afterwards and assaulted him.

Definite premeditation and anger problem.


Nice to see you’ve mellowed over the years

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Last year, during the EU referendum.


There was a well dressed, well fed, hoo-ray Henry type handing out leaflets and loudly shouting out (in a privileged, cultured accent) for people to Vote Remain.


My blood boiled when I realised that this wealthy, snotty individual (and most of those with him) will have had private wealth or worked for Goldman Sachs or similar. The Remainers never concerned themselves with the pressures on vital public services that the poor needed to survive. So I pushed him hard and shouted 'Smash the EU!' 'Smash the Rich!'


I felt immense satisfaction afterwards.

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Why not ask for personal accounts? I'm interested in people's personal experiences of inflicting violence on others.




The rest of what you say is all good stuff and for the most part I take no issue with it. I reluctantly agree that we'll never eradicate it, but I think we could do a great deal more to reduce it.


---------- Post added 04-10-2017 at 17:52 ----------



Read the whole conversation - Ridgewalk clearly threw his toys out the pram. Forgive me if I'm less than sympathetic.


No I didn’t just reflected on the reasons you gave. Your reply to my quite innocent query about which martial art you did was “ Try reading my original,post”

Obviously we were at cross purposes but your reply was, well, aggressive.


You further add above “ clearly threw his toys out of the pram”. You see, that’s quite aggressive, which makes me wonder why you’re so interested in people who use violence


If you’re looking for answers to questions you might have perhaps you might get some advice somewhere

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