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When did you last hit someone and why?

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No I didn’t just reflected on the reasons you gave. Your reply to my quite innocent query about which martial art you did was “ Try reading my original,post”

Obviously we were at cross purposes but your reply was, well, aggressive.


You further add above “ clearly threw his toys out of the pram”. You see, that’s quite aggressive, which makes me wonder why you’re so interested in people who use violence


If you’re looking for answers to questions you might have perhaps you might get some advice somewhere


Thanks for those fascinating insights.

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Last year, during the EU referendum.


There was a well dressed, well fed, hoo-ray Henry type handing out leaflets and loudly shouting out (in a privileged, cultured accent) for people to Vote Remain.


My blood boiled when I realised that this wealthy, snotty individual (and most of those with him) will have had private wealth or worked for Goldman Sachs or similar. The Remainers never concerned themselves with the pressures on vital public services that the poor needed to survive. So I pushed him hard and shouted 'Smash the EU!' 'Smash the Rich!'


I felt immense satisfaction afterwards.


I bet that topic about Rocco Siffredi can be connected with Brexit and Evil EU

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Why not ask for personal accounts? I'm interested in people's personal experiences of inflicting violence on others.
I'm loathe to reduce your thread ab absurdum and misread or misrepresent your intentions, here...but that does sound a bit like a "do you still beat your wife?" angle :|
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