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Poor Theresa May

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She is not good. She is ultimately responsible for policies and events that are going to make us all suffer


It's actually time for her to move on. Not the people who think she's a disaster


I don't understand what you say. The election was only in June. It is nearly 5 years to next election. Mrs Merkel did not do as good as Mrs May in German election.

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I don't understand what you say. The election was only in June. It is nearly 5 years to next election. Mrs Merkel did not do as good as Mrs May in German election.


You could well have months and years mixed up there

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How and why is she good? Her administration continue to target the poor and disabled for benefit cuts, she claims there is no "magic money tree" whilst bribing the Northern Irish Proddy party to the tune of £1billion.


I fail to see how, where and when she has ever done anything "good".

but but but she keeps saying shes going to make britain a fairer place for everyone.







ok ok


{/sarcasm mode off]

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"Time to move on " . What do you base that on ?


The fact she's clueless, lacks authority and has highly suspect decision making skills. Amongst other things.


---------- Post added 06-10-2017 at 23:07 ----------


I don't understand what you say. The election was only in June. It is nearly 5 years to next election. Mrs Merkel did not do as good as Mrs May in German election.


Merkel got nothing to do with it.


And the last parliament lasted under 2 years.


---------- Post added 06-10-2017 at 23:13 ----------


The thirty MPs currently siding with grant schapps who want a leadership election? Boris Johnson sticking his oar in with every speech and every article?


Johnson is going to attempt to hard Brexit us and risk trashing the economy. He needs to be PM ASAP because a genuine attempt to do that will butcher the pound, and cause a rapid recession. The attempt will cause Brexit to be completely halted.


Get him in. Or Mogg. Either will inadvertently get us out of this mess.

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