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Poor Theresa May

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dehumanising your opponents eh? we all know how that ends.


I am very much not a fan of Theresa May, but the level of abuse she is getting is absolutely unacceptable. By all means call her out, rudely if you want, on her policies and her delivery but when it descends in name calling a personal point scoring then it's gone too far. She should give most of her opponents plenty enough ammo on her policies without even needing to consider anything else!

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I don't support Labour, but yes they are of course just as bad in their own ways.


---------- Post added 05-10-2017 at 14:23 ----------



The average age of Tory party members is 71


The other parties - generally speaking - and the party I support have a much younger membership.


It's not just an ideologically gulf that is widening, there is a massive generational disconnect as well.

The age the Tory member is older. But the age of the average person who voted for them is not all that different from other parties.

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I am very much not a fan of Theresa May, but the level of abuse she is getting is absolutely unacceptable. By all means call her out, rudely if you want, on her policies and her delivery but when it descends in name calling a personal point scoring then it's gone too far. She should give most of her opponents plenty enough ammo on her policies without even needing to consider anything else!

Couldn't agree more.

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Something needs to change the political landscape of this country - May wont change it, Corbyn probably wont either. We need something new.


Corbyn has already said we need a new kind of politics, and has already tried to change some things, and been laughed at and harangued for it by the Tories, eg taking questions from the public into PM's questiontime, and trying to imbue the house of commons with some dignity and respect instead of the rowdy bearpit it usually is. He's also moved the centre ground in politics to the left a bit and made the Tories (well, Theresa May,) change their tune on some policies. Thing is, the Tories will backtrack, whereas JC is a conviction politician, says what he means, and I don't think he will.


You say he probably won't change things. I say he's already started without even being in power. I think we should at least give him a chance.

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That's not true though is it. Just making stuff up isn't cool.
you cannot win an election without support from all demographics. Labour did better with the 18-30 age group the conservatives with the 40-60. But significant numbers from both these groups must have voted for each party to achieve the result.
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you cannot win an election without support from all demographics. Labour did better with the 18-30 age group the conservatives with the 40-60. But significant numbers from both these groups must have voted for each party to achieve the result.


Yes of course there was support from all age groups for all parties...



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Until we speak the brutal truth about parties then we won't progress.


Therein lies the problem, your "truths" are informed by your politics.


You will have noticed this first hand on the Brexit thread. This is why experts like Mark Carney and Mervyn King can't agree on the most basic facts on how our economy is performing because they're at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Your politics taints everything.

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