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Misogynistic hideousness - a fresh outburst.

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Just a shame there are a few who seem to think she did this for any other reason apart from self publicity .




She has provided no actual info to back up her claim only anecdotal evidence, and given this has only been reported to the press and not the relevant authorities or police then some may find this suspect. If she cant do that then it shows something is a bit wrong or she is not that really bothered about it. Just like the normal SF banter she should back up her claim to support what she says.


---------- Post added 07-10-2017 at 17:02 ----------


Even if the motive was self publicity does she deserve the rape & death threats?

It's the people who are threatening her that should be challenged, not the model.


But has she had rape and death threats? So far she has provided no evidence only what she has posted on social media and stories like this go down well on it, and also good for the press.

Edited by apelike
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Misogynistic , footist pig :hihi:


The 48-year-old victim was grabbed by a man while jogging in Sherwood Rise, Nottingham.


Nottinghamshire Police are treating the incident as a misogynistic hate crime.


Do hate crimes get solved quicker? There seems to be lots of issues with the words we use.



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She states that she has been getting rape threats through her DM inbox but provides no actual evidence to back this up only her anecdotal replies. I would urge anyone who actually gets rape or death threats to contact the police ASP as they have the means to trace and deal with the individuals. This seems serious, she receives rape and death threats and yet the person just wants to deal with it on social media and not go through the proper channels.. :loopy:


She is a model and photographer and may just be using this for self promotion.


Classic mysogynistic victim blaming - well done. Your mother must be so proud of you.


---------- Post added 07-10-2017 at 21:32 ----------


Of course she is . Thats clearly obvious . Just a shame there are a few who seem to think she did this for any other reason apart from self publicity .


Really? I think it's a shame that there are still spineless cretins who seek to blame the victim rather than challenge the sick individuals who threaten women.

Edited by Halibut
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This idiotic thread should be deleted for no apparent reason like the wolf whistling thread, numpties :rolleyes:


So you think we shouldn't discuss the abuse of women? Would it suit you better if we all just accept it and carry on?


Is it 'idiotic' to condemn sexual violence and threats? Are you saying it's Ok to threaten and abuse women or are you just saying it shouldn't be talked about?

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Classic mysogynistic victim blaming - well done. Your mother must be so proud of you.


You do like calling people names don't you. There is nothing in that post that is even approaching misogynistic. That word, thanks to people like you over using it is losing all meaning.

At least if you are going to throw it around so often, learn how to spell it right?

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Most people mistakenly believe that society is a form of freedom. It isn't free cause society tells you what you can and cannot do and how to or not to do it.

Society has never liked real free individuals who are natural, it hurts their monkey sheep cult feelings. A free individual is no longer part of the cult and the whole cult starts screaming and yelling their hurt closed minded opinions.


Not shaving legs is not necessarily act of real freedom, if she did it out of protest of the status quo she would still be stuck protesting in the system that sets the social limits. If she simply stopped shaving and naturally stopped worrying about what others say about it she will grow as a free individual.

Most people who do something extreme do it out of protest of the status quo, specially when they show it off to others. This attracts lots of negative reactions.

If she really did it out of freedom she would not be bothered to show it off, and simply enjoy her freedom without being bothered.


You understand that she's a model? It's her job to be photographed. She can't "not show it off" if she's working by selling her image.

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